quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2011

terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011

# Documentario - Écône - Porte Aperte # MISA EN HONOR DE SANTA ELENA EN FERRANDINA (ITALIA... # I Encuentro Sacerdotal Summorum Pontificum en Gara... # The Solemn Dominican Rite Mass for the Feast of St... # HOJE É FESTA DE SANTA ROSA DE LIMA DE QUE APRESENT... # OS PREVILÉGIOS DOS PATRIARCAS DE LISBOA # Cardinal Bartolucci, Direttore a vita della Sisti...

Misas de obispos franceses en Madrid


Ya se han publicado fotografías con mejor calidad de las Misas con la Forma Extraordinaria del Rito Romano celebradas en Madrid, España, durante los días de la JMJ. Las Misas han sido organizadas por Juventutem, y han oficiado tres obispos franceses. Todas estas ceremonias se celebraron en la Parroquia de San Francisco de Sales. Las fotografías proceden de un joven peregrino de Singapur, J. Chua, y ha sido enlazadas en Rorate Caeli.

El 17 de agosto ofició Santa Misa Pontificial rezada Monseñor Marc Aillet, Obispo de Bayona.

El 18 de agosto, el oficiante fue Monseñor Dominique Rey, Obispo de Frejus-Toulon, quien ofició Misa Pontifical al faldistorio.

Por último, el 19 de agosto, Misa Pontifical al faldistorio oficiada por Monseñor LeGall, Arzobispo de Toulouse.

Documentario - Écône - Porte Aperte

Documentario - Écône - Porte Aperte

Fraternita San Pio X a Écône
La vita quotidiana in un seminario cattolico tradizionale del XXI secolo. Il seminario di Ecône, la Casa Generale de la Fraternità Sacerdotale San Pío X a Écône (Cantone del Vallese, Svizzera).come non l’avete visto mai! Per diversi giorni la telecamera si è intrufolata tra i seminaristi per farvi condividere la loro vita quotidiana e scoprire la formazione che ricevono coloro che, domani, saranno sacerdoti interamente consacrati al servizio di Dio e delle anime.

Per Vedere le Altre Parti del Documentario Clicca Qui….




La Colegiata de San Lorenzo mártir en Ferrandina (Italia), acogió el pasado 18 de agosto, festividad litúrgica de la emperatriz Santa Elena, la celebración de una solemne Misa cantada, con arreglo al Usus Antiquior o forma extraordinaria del rito romano.
 Fotografías tomadas del blog Muniat intrantes Crux


I Encuentro Sacerdotal Summorum Pontificum en Garanhuns, Brasil

Recientemente ha tenido lugar en Garanhuns, Brasil, un Solemne Pontifical con motivo del I Encuentro Sacerdotal Summorum Pontificum. Presidió Monseñor Fernando Rifan, Obispo de Campos, Administración Apostólica de San Juan María Vianney, y asistió el Obispo Diocesano y miembro del Supremo Tribunal de la Signatura Apostólica, Monseñor Fernando Guimarães.

Fuente: Subsidios Liturgicos Summorum Pontificum

VISTO EM:http://misatradicionalciudadreal.blogspot.com/2011/08/i-encuentro-sacerdotal-summorum.html

Mega-Photopost: Assumption Day 2011 at Assumption Grotto in Detroit .The Solemn Dominican Rite Mass for the Feast of St. Dominic

A scene from the Noon Mass at the outdoor Grotto, which usually has the second-highest attendance for the day.
In this post, I am sharing about 50 of the nearly 200 photos taken.  At the bottom is a link to my Smugmug page with the full set of photos.

I have opened the photos up for purchase online through Smugmug, which offers a very good online service.  I have a modest markup added to the price and anything received from this will go towards my expenses to maintain that site, which is not free,  purchase of additional lenses or replacement parts and equpiment maintenance.  I do not recommend going beyond 8 x 10 and when you do choose 5 x 7 or 8 x 10, you will want to note how the photo will be cropped.  I believe you have some flexibility here.  Most pictures are set for 4 x 6 and some are cropped to other sizes.

Bloggers are free to use some pics on their sites.  I ask for a courtesy link back to this post (you can click the title or the timestamp at the bottom for the url).

I normally go to one Mass without taking any pictures (usually the 6:30).  But I did not make it there early enough so I went to the 9:30.  Realizing it was Fr. Ludwig's first Assumption Day with us, I took three photos, one of which is below.

A photo of the Eucharistic Elevation at the 9:30 a.m. Mass (Ordinary Form in Latin)
The old chasuble (date unknown) is worn by the celebrant of each Mass for the day.

The Noon Mass in progress
The Elevation at the Noon Mass
Kneelers are placed at stations along the brick path.
The statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary that will be used in the evening procession

In the mid-afternoon, the Eucharist is taken out to the grotto where Benediction will take place

Grotto's pastor, Fr. Eduard Perrone carrying the monstrance in the Eucharistic procession to the grotto

The evening Mass begins with the procession 

Mass begins (Solemn High, 1962 Missal)

After Mass was over, Fr. Perrone consecrated the parish to Mary

The candlelight procession begins as night falls with everyone singing the Lourdes Hymn, which is printed on the candle shields.  On the refrain, all lift their candles for a series of "Ave's"

After the crowd returns to the grotto area, the Blessed Virgin Mary was serenaded in a multitude of languages including Latin, Polish, Italian and German.

To see the full set of nearly 200 photos, go to my Smugmug gallery for Assumption 2011 at Assumption Grotto


Prayers at the Foot of the Altar: I am to the left of the Celebrant (middle), profoundly bowed, saying the Dominican Confiteor in Latin: “I confess to almighty God and to blessed Mary, ever virgin, and to blessed Dominic, our Father, to all the Saints and to you, Father (brethren), that I have sinned exceedingly by thought, word, deed, and omission, through my fault. I beseech you to pray for me.”
Sanctus: In this photo, I have the humeral veil. The Deacon just handed me the paten, which is resting on my veiled right hand. The left side of the veil covers the paten, while my left hand supports my right elbow since I will have to carry the paten through the Pater Noster. You will also note that the acolytes are lighting the sanctus candles.

Pater Noster: It is difficult to see in this photo, but you will notice that I have just revealed the paten during the Our Father. My arms, at this point, are jello.

Ecce Agnus Dei: Prior to this, I have just recited the Confiteor and received absolution from the priest. I am kneeling on the left, the closest to the Blessed Sacrament during the Ecce Agnus Dei. I can’t even begin to express to you the joy that comes during this moment-magnificently humbling.

Communio: When the celebrant gives Communion to the people during the Solemn Mass, I get a little break, since all I have to do is prayerfully stand on his left while the Deacon holds the paten. During the Mass, I was praying for every person that received Holy Communion.
Thank you, Pat Bucy, for the photos.

segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011


The Patriarchs of Lisbon...

... had a bucket full of privileges. I often read about them but never saw any photos where you could actually see them. I finally found some pictures. Enjoy!

The first five photos show António Cardinal Mendes Belo, Patriarch of Lisbon from 1907 to 1929. Here you can see that the Patriarchs did not only have a very nice canopy (which of course is not a special privilege) but also flabella and a falda:

On the next two photos you can see Manuel Cardinal Gonçalves Cerejeira, successor of Cardinal Belo, Patriarch of Lisbon from 1929 to 1971. You can see the flabella and the fanon again and also the patriarchal miter which was designed to look like a tiara. The Patriarch of Lisbon had the privilege to wear the tiara but - maybe out of respect for the Pope - apparently never actually wore one but only miters that - at least from far away - looked a bit like tiaras:

On the last three photos (Cardinal Belo again) you don't see any privilege, but one just doesn't pass up pictures of prelates and their carriages: