segunda-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2010

Part 1, A Guide To The Missal Of The Traditional Latin Mass: Why Do We Have One? The (new) Liturgical movement that has been spurred by Pope Benedict has given rise in interest in Missals for use during Holy Mass. There are several Missals available in English for the Traditional Latin Mass.

This will be a short series on the Missal of the Traditional Latin Mass, and on the hand Missals used at Holy mass by the Faithful. Some have recently asked some questions about Missals, such as where they came form, their history, and how to use them. this will be a very poor attempt to answer these questions.

Many thanks to those who read this treatment earlier this week and gave advice ,opinion, and suggestions for clarity.

The (new) Liturgical movement that has been spurred by Pope Benedict has given rise in interest in Missals for use during Holy Mass. There are several Missals available in English for the Traditional Latin Mass. There are also some available on Ebay, and bookstores, or perhaps one has been found in a relatives’ attic that has been gathering dust all these many years. Is the one I have suitable for use nowadays for Holy Mass? On the face of them, they may all appear to be just about the same, but there are some subtle, and some not so subtle differences that you may notice when you actually use the Missal and actively and actually participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Choosing the best one for you, or as a present for someone can seem to be a bewildering task. Each one offers a different list of features, quality of printing and binding, and of course, price. If you simply want a Missal to use on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, virtually any Missal will do. You may wonder, why even have one?

There are probably as many reasons for using a Missal as there are people, but here are some basic ones. By using the Missal, we follow more closely the various actions of the Sacrifice of the Mass, and as a result, our worship of God is more intelligent. Using the Missal we enter into the spirit of the various season and feasts. Also, we the faithful have the right to the Mass said as it should be. It is a safeguard for our souls to follow with a Missal all the prayers and actions at the Altar, and ensure that we are able to worship as Holy Mother Church guarantees. Canon 214 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law says that “the Christian faithful have the right to worship God according to the prescripts of their own rite approved by the legitimate pastors of the Church and to follow their own form of spiritual life so long as it is consonant with the doctrine of the Church.”

the next posting in this series will deal with a short history of the Traditional Latin Mass Missal, and will appear on the morning of the 3rd of December, 2010.

For part 2, you can go here.
For part 3, go here...
For part 4, go here....
For part 5, go here...
For part 6, go here.
For part 7, click here.