Comunhão dos Santos,Comunión de los Santos, Communion of Saints, Comunione dei Santi
Domingo, 13 de Fevereiro de 2011
Padre Pio et le Purgatoire
prier pour les âmes du purgatoire
Padre Pio avait l'habitude de recommander à ses fils spirituels la dévotion aux ames du purgatoire.
Il suggèrait de prier souvent pour les esprits trépassés qui se trouvent encore dans un état de purification et de leur demander des graces et des faveurs. Il disait que puisqu'ils se trouvaient dans une condition de souffrances en attente de la béatitude, ils appréciaient grandement l'aide des prières des vivants et qu'ils se souviendraient avec
une grande sollicitude de leurs bienfaiteurs.
Le père était très lié aux trépassés. Sur sa table de nuit, il conservait les photos de ses amis et parents défunts.Lorsqu'il parlait d'eux, il ne les traitait pas comme des personnes lointaines, mais vivantes et présentes.
Parfois, quand il était seul dans sa cellule, il parlait avec les morts à haute voix, comme s'il les voyait. En réalité, il les voyait vraiment. Les religieux qui vécurent à ses cotes ont raconté qu'il leur disait souvent avoir reçu la visite de personnes décédées qui lui demandaient des prières.
Tout ce monde de l'au-delà était, pour Padre Pio, une réalité concrète. Tout en vivant intensément chaque instant de son existence terrestre, sa pensée était toujours fixée sur le monde spirituel invisible car il savait que c'était l'univers de la réalité absolue.
Son rapport avec les saints était très concret. Il considérait les saints
comme des frères chanceux qui avaient atteint la patrie, qui étaient proches de Dieu, et qui pouvaient donc l'aider et aider les gens pour lesquels il priait. Il était toujours très occupé à prier pour quelqu'un en particulier.Il promettait à ceux qui allaient le trouver pour se recommander à ses prières, de s'occuper d'eux. Et il tenait ses promesses.
Ce comportement du bienheureux vis-à-vis de l'au delà pourrait sembler simpliste aux yeux de certains, car trop semblable au comportement vis-à-vis des gens en ce monde.En réalité, il est faux de penser que le monde de l'au delà est totalement différent du notre. Les
personnes qui meurent et passent dans l'au-delà ne perdent pas leur identité.Elles parviennent à la perfections de ce qu'elles sont. Elles entrent dans une dimension privée des limitations imposées par la matière, par la contingence de notre condition.Mais leur personnalité, leur âmes, leur intelligence, les valeurs spirituelles absolues dans lesquelles dans lesquelles elles ont cru en ce monde, leurs liens affectifs et leurs sentiments, ne changent pas : tout est clarifié, purifié et amplifié par la vérité totale dans laquelle elles se trouvent désormais.
Tout ceci est la "communion des saints" que nous professons dans le "credo", chaque dimanche à la messe. La communion des saints signifie que tous les fidèles, ne formant qu'un seul corps en Jésus-Christ, profitent de tout le bien qui est et qui se fait dans ce corps, à savoir dans l'Eglise universelle. Les saints du paradis et les ames du purgatoire font partie,eux aussi, de la communion des saints, car liés entre eux et avec nous par la charité, les premiers reçoivent nos prières et les seconds nos suffrages, et tous intercèdent pour nous auprès de Dieu. Les hommes et les femmes vivant sur la terre, les ames du purgatoire et les saints du paradis forment le meme corps dans le Christ et participent à tout le bien qui se fait dans ce corps.
Padre Pio enseignait, avec la plus grande simplicité unie toutefois à un sens très concret des choses, à vivre la vérité du corps mystique. Il priait et il souffrait pour aider spirituellement les personnes vivant en ce monde, mais aussi celles qui se trouvaient au purgatoire. Il s'était offert en victime pour sauver les pecheurs et pour libérer les ames du purgatoire de leur prison.
" Depuis longtemps je sens un besoin en moi : m'offrir au seigneur comme victime pour les pauvres pécheurs et pour les ames du purgatoire. Ce désir n'a cessé de grandir toujours davantage en mon coeur, si bien qu'il est devenu, dirais-je, une forte passion. J'ai fait plusieurs fois cette offrande au Seigneur, le conjurant de vouloir déverser sur moi les chatiments qui sont préparés pour les pécheurs et pour les ames du purgatoires, meme en les centuplant sur moi pourvu qu'il convertisse et sauve les pécheurs et admette bien vite au
paradis les ames du purgatoire. Mais je voudrais faire cette offrande au Seigneur pour lui obéir,car il me semble que c'est précisément Jésus qui le veut.(Au Père Benedetto de San Marco in Lamis)."
Cleonice Morcaldi nous a également laissé ce témoignage lumineux
"-Un jour, en confession, je dis au Père : " Je remets entre vos mains toutes mes prières : servez-vous pour les ames du purgatoire que vous connaissez." Padre Pio me répondit :
-"Pourquoi ne penses-tu pas à ton papa ?"
" Il y avait 8 ans que mon père était mort et, inquiète, je lui demandai : "Il est encore au purgatoire ?"
Voyant ma douleur, Padre Pio regretta presque de m'avoir dit cette phrase, mais il me répondit tout de meme : "OUI"., "Quelles prières dois-je faire pour l'en sortir ?", lui demandai-je. "Toute prière est bonne, me dit-il. Le chapelet, le chemin de
croix, des actes de charité envers son prochain et meme la méditation;" "Je commençai à prier pour mon papa, pour qui je n'avais plus prié depuis longtemps.Nous étions presque à Paques. Le vendredi saint, dans l'église de l'Addolorata, le père m'inspira de dire un chapelet. Quand j'eus terminé, je ressentis une grande joie dans mon coeur.Le jour de Paques, j'allai me confesser au père et lui demandai : --" Père, mon papa souffre-t'il beaucoup au purgatoire ?" " Mais qui t'a dit qu'il était au purgatoire ?", me dit-il. "Mais, c'est vous qui me l'avez dit", répondis-je. "Ah,oui", me dit-il maintenant je te dis qu'il n'y est plus.Samedi saint, quand Jésus est ressuscité, il est parti avec lui au ciel;"
Padre Pio conseille de demander la grâce de passer de notre lit de mort au paradis
question à Pardre Pio:
-- Pour les ames du purgatoire, vaut-il mieux offrir le chapelet ou le chemin de croix ? --L'un et l'autre. Réfléchis également sur le fait que les indulgences n'auraient pas existé sans la passion de Jésus.
-Je demande à Dieu de le faire ici, le purgatoire. dit Cléonice
-Moi aussi je demande cette grace. Ce n'est pas à celui qui commence, mais à celui qui finit que Jésus accordera la récompense.
-Comment dois-je faire le purgatoire,ici sur la terre, pour aller tout de suite au ciel? (Cléonice)
-En acceptant tout des mains de Dieu.En lui offrant tout avec amour et action de graces, car il nous donne la possibilité de passer de notre lit de mort au paradis.
-Aide moi à faire le purgatoire. (Cléonice)
-C'est mieux pour nous, et c'est plus parfait de le faire
ici-bas : en souffrant par amour, on glorifie le Seigneur, son amour, sa miséricorde. En souffrant au purgatoire, on glorifie sa justice. Mais la justice suppose la faute. Je préfère glorifier son amour ici-bas.
DE: Pio avait l'habitude de recommander à ses fils spirituels la dévotion aux ames du purgatoire.
Il suggèrait de prier souvent pour les esprits trépassés qui se trouvent encore dans un état de purification et de leur demander des graces et des faveurs. Il disait que puisqu'ils se trouvaient dans une condition de souffrances en attente de la béatitude, ils appréciaient grandement l'aide des prières des vivants et qu'ils se souviendraient avec
une grande sollicitude de leurs bienfaiteurs.
Le père était très lié aux trépassés. Sur sa table de nuit, il conservait les photos de ses amis et parents défunts.Lorsqu'il parlait d'eux, il ne les traitait pas comme des personnes lointaines, mais vivantes et présentes.
Parfois, quand il était seul dans sa cellule, il parlait avec les morts à haute voix, comme s'il les voyait. En réalité, il les voyait vraiment. Les religieux qui vécurent à ses cotes ont raconté qu'il leur disait souvent avoir reçu la visite de personnes décédées qui lui demandaient des prières.
Tout ce monde de l'au-delà était, pour Padre Pio, une réalité concrète. Tout en vivant intensément chaque instant de son existence terrestre, sa pensée était toujours fixée sur le monde spirituel invisible car il savait que c'était l'univers de la réalité absolue.
Son rapport avec les saints était très concret. Il considérait les saints
comme des frères chanceux qui avaient atteint la patrie, qui étaient proches de Dieu, et qui pouvaient donc l'aider et aider les gens pour lesquels il priait. Il était toujours très occupé à prier pour quelqu'un en particulier.Il promettait à ceux qui allaient le trouver pour se recommander à ses prières, de s'occuper d'eux. Et il tenait ses promesses.
Ce comportement du bienheureux vis-à-vis de l'au delà pourrait sembler simpliste aux yeux de certains, car trop semblable au comportement vis-à-vis des gens en ce monde.En réalité, il est faux de penser que le monde de l'au delà est totalement différent du notre. Les
personnes qui meurent et passent dans l'au-delà ne perdent pas leur identité.Elles parviennent à la perfections de ce qu'elles sont. Elles entrent dans une dimension privée des limitations imposées par la matière, par la contingence de notre condition.Mais leur personnalité, leur âmes, leur intelligence, les valeurs spirituelles absolues dans lesquelles dans lesquelles elles ont cru en ce monde, leurs liens affectifs et leurs sentiments, ne changent pas : tout est clarifié, purifié et amplifié par la vérité totale dans laquelle elles se trouvent désormais.
Tout ceci est la "communion des saints" que nous professons dans le "credo", chaque dimanche à la messe. La communion des saints signifie que tous les fidèles, ne formant qu'un seul corps en Jésus-Christ, profitent de tout le bien qui est et qui se fait dans ce corps, à savoir dans l'Eglise universelle. Les saints du paradis et les ames du purgatoire font partie,eux aussi, de la communion des saints, car liés entre eux et avec nous par la charité, les premiers reçoivent nos prières et les seconds nos suffrages, et tous intercèdent pour nous auprès de Dieu. Les hommes et les femmes vivant sur la terre, les ames du purgatoire et les saints du paradis forment le meme corps dans le Christ et participent à tout le bien qui se fait dans ce corps.
Padre Pio enseignait, avec la plus grande simplicité unie toutefois à un sens très concret des choses, à vivre la vérité du corps mystique. Il priait et il souffrait pour aider spirituellement les personnes vivant en ce monde, mais aussi celles qui se trouvaient au purgatoire. Il s'était offert en victime pour sauver les pecheurs et pour libérer les ames du purgatoire de leur prison.
" Depuis longtemps je sens un besoin en moi : m'offrir au seigneur comme victime pour les pauvres pécheurs et pour les ames du purgatoire. Ce désir n'a cessé de grandir toujours davantage en mon coeur, si bien qu'il est devenu, dirais-je, une forte passion. J'ai fait plusieurs fois cette offrande au Seigneur, le conjurant de vouloir déverser sur moi les chatiments qui sont préparés pour les pécheurs et pour les ames du purgatoires, meme en les centuplant sur moi pourvu qu'il convertisse et sauve les pécheurs et admette bien vite au
paradis les ames du purgatoire. Mais je voudrais faire cette offrande au Seigneur pour lui obéir,car il me semble que c'est précisément Jésus qui le veut.(Au Père Benedetto de San Marco in Lamis)."
Cleonice Morcaldi nous a également laissé ce témoignage lumineux
"-Un jour, en confession, je dis au Père : " Je remets entre vos mains toutes mes prières : servez-vous pour les ames du purgatoire que vous connaissez." Padre Pio me répondit :
-"Pourquoi ne penses-tu pas à ton papa ?"
" Il y avait 8 ans que mon père était mort et, inquiète, je lui demandai : "Il est encore au purgatoire ?"
Voyant ma douleur, Padre Pio regretta presque de m'avoir dit cette phrase, mais il me répondit tout de meme : "OUI"., "Quelles prières dois-je faire pour l'en sortir ?", lui demandai-je. "Toute prière est bonne, me dit-il. Le chapelet, le chemin de
croix, des actes de charité envers son prochain et meme la méditation;" "Je commençai à prier pour mon papa, pour qui je n'avais plus prié depuis longtemps.Nous étions presque à Paques. Le vendredi saint, dans l'église de l'Addolorata, le père m'inspira de dire un chapelet. Quand j'eus terminé, je ressentis une grande joie dans mon coeur.Le jour de Paques, j'allai me confesser au père et lui demandai : --" Père, mon papa souffre-t'il beaucoup au purgatoire ?" " Mais qui t'a dit qu'il était au purgatoire ?", me dit-il. "Mais, c'est vous qui me l'avez dit", répondis-je. "Ah,oui", me dit-il maintenant je te dis qu'il n'y est plus.Samedi saint, quand Jésus est ressuscité, il est parti avec lui au ciel;"
Padre Pio conseille de demander la grâce de passer de notre lit de mort au paradis
question à Pardre Pio:
-- Pour les ames du purgatoire, vaut-il mieux offrir le chapelet ou le chemin de croix ? --L'un et l'autre. Réfléchis également sur le fait que les indulgences n'auraient pas existé sans la passion de Jésus.
-Je demande à Dieu de le faire ici, le purgatoire. dit Cléonice
-Moi aussi je demande cette grace. Ce n'est pas à celui qui commence, mais à celui qui finit que Jésus accordera la récompense.
-Comment dois-je faire le purgatoire,ici sur la terre, pour aller tout de suite au ciel? (Cléonice)
-En acceptant tout des mains de Dieu.En lui offrant tout avec amour et action de graces, car il nous donne la possibilité de passer de notre lit de mort au paradis.
-Aide moi à faire le purgatoire. (Cléonice)
-C'est mieux pour nous, et c'est plus parfait de le faire
ici-bas : en souffrant par amour, on glorifie le Seigneur, son amour, sa miséricorde. En souffrant au purgatoire, on glorifie sa justice. Mais la justice suppose la faute. Je préfère glorifier son amour ici-bas.

consecuencia, se le da como característica el hábito de la orden del Carmen y, sobre la mano, una pequeña iglesia con la inscripción "Virgini Matri." También se encuentra a Agabo señalado como discípulo del Señor o de los Apóstoles, en las fechas del 8 al 10 de abril.
-San Benigno, mártir en la persecución de Diocleciano. Según un relato titulado "La pasión de San Benigno", este santo vivió en el siglo II en Francia y fue martirizado en Dijón, durante el reinado de Marco Aurelio, pero se ignora dónde nació. Comenzó a venerárselo en Dijón, en una época posterior al siglo VI. Su cuerpo fue sepultado en una tumba que semejaba un monumento pagano, para engañar a los perseguidores. Recién hacia fines del siglo VI, San Gregorio, obispo de Langres, descubrió ese sepulcro, lo restauró y construyó una basílica sobre él.
-San Cástor, patrón de Coblenza, Alemania, 389. San Cástor abad y obispo nació en Nimes (se desconoce la fecha) y murió en Alemania el año 389. Se dedicó en su juventud a la abogacía. Después de unos años de matrimonio sin descendencia, su esposa tomó la decisión de retirarse a la vida contemplativa con ocasión de la muerte de su madre. Cástor no sólo aceptó gustoso esta decisión de su esposa, sino que él mismo decidió también dedicarse a la vida religiosa, para lo cual fundó el monasterio de Mananca, en el actual lugar del pueblo de Menerbes, distrito de Alemania. No quiso, por modestia, ser abad del mismo. Pero cuando falleció éste, los monjes le obligaron por aclamación a ocupar ese cargo. Era el principio de la vida monástica, y le fue muy útil la ayuda de San Juan Casiano. Al morir el obispo Quintín, de Alemania, fue nombrado y consagrado obispo, también contra su voluntad. Se le suele representar con un jabalí a causa de que en una ocasión uno de estos animales que había entrado en la ciudad, se refugió a su lado para evitar que le mataran.
-Santa Fusca, virgen, en Ravena, y su nodriza Santa Maura, mártires, s. III. En tiempo de persecución de Decio, una joven de 21 años, natural de Ravena, llamada Fusca deseaba abrazar el cristianismo. Habló de ello a Maura, su nodriza, quien la animó y le propuso convertirse también al cristianismo. Buscaron a un sacerdote llamado Hermoloro, quien les administró el bautismo. Cuando se entero de lo sucedido, el padre de Fusca montó en cólera e intentó -por diversos medios- devolver a su hija a las prácticas de la idolatría. Pero como no pudo doblegar su voluntad, la denunció al gobernador Quintiliano.
Este envió a sus secuaces para detener a Fusca y a su nodriza, pero a la vista de un ángel que estaba al lado de la joven, los esbirros no se atrevieron a ejecutar las órdenes. Fue necesario que las dos cristianas acudieran voluntariamente al tribunal para declarar que crían en Jesucristo. Fueron cruelmente flageladas y luego muertas.
-San Gilberto, obispo de Meaux, Francia, 1009. San Gilberto de Meaux, llamado también Gisleberto, fue el cuadragésimo tercer obispo de Meaux, que entonces se llamaba Jatinum y era la capital del pueblo de los meldi, de quienes tomaría el nombre esta capital, que pasó a llamarse Meldi, de donde derivaría el nombre de Meaux. Vivió Gilberto a caballo entre los siglos X y XI. Fue designado diácono por el obispo Ercanrando. Fue tan ejemplar en su ministerio, que a la muerte del obispo, en 995, estuvieron de acuerdo tanto el clero y el pueblo como el conde Odón para elegirle su sucesor. La nueva dignidad y las responsabilidades de la diócesis no alteraron su bondad natural y su espíritu conciliador. Se distinguió también por su ciencia. Murió el 13 de febrero del 1009.
-San Lucimo o Lucinio, obispo de Angers, 616. Desempeña altos cargos civiles y militares durante el gobierno del rey Clotario II. Pero lo renuncia todo, para servir a Cristo y su Iglesia en el ministerio sacerdotal.
Y desde la ciudad de Anjou, difunde la suavidad y pureza de sus costumbres y de su caridad como obispo santo, hasta su muerte el 13 de febrero del año 616. San Lucinio, que había hecho el número 17 en el elenco episcopal de aquella diócesis, pronto fue venerado en Anjou como el patrono de la ciudad.
-San Martiniano, ermitaño de Palestina, 830. Nació en Cesarea de Palestina durante el reinado de Constancio. A los 18 años se retiró a una montaña llamada "el lugar del Arca", donde vivió 25 años como ermitaño. Según la leyenda, para huir de una tentación colocó sus pies en una fogata y al quemarse gritó: "Si no puedo soportar este fuego, ¿cómo podré soportar el del infierno?". Un día decidió viajar a Atenas, donde a la edad de 50 años falleció. San Martiniano se retiró al desierto a la edad de 18 años. Llegóse allí el demonio a tentarlo. Estaba a punto de sucumbir y abandonar su celda, cuando fue detenido por este pensamiento: ¡Desdichado, Dios te ve! Rechazó la tentación y volvió a emprender, con mayor ardor, sus ejercicios de piedad. Redobló el demonio sus esfuerzos para arrancarlo de la soledad y arrojarlo al mundo, donde esperaba hacerlo abandonar el servicio de Dios: pero San Martiniano triunfó de sus ataques por medio del ayuno, la mortificación y la oración. Hay muchas razones para dudar aun de la existencia de Martiniano. La leyenda resumida arriba se encontrará en el Acta Sanctorum, febrero, volumen II.
-San Pablo Le-Van-Loc, mártir, 1859. Pablo Lê Van Lôc, nació en An-Nhon, Vietnam. Fue sacerdote en tiempos del emperador Tu Duc. Murió martirizado el 13 de febrero de 1859 en Thi-Nghe, Vietnam. En 1988 el Papa Juan Pablo II lo proclamó santo.
-San Polieucto o Poliecto, mártir de Armenia en la persecución de Decio, 259. La ciudad de Melitene en Armenia, que era una ciudad militar romana, es ilustre por el gran número de sus mártires. Entre ellos, el mártir de mayor alcurnia fue Polieucto, un oficial romano de padres griegos. Siendo aún pagano, se hizo amigo de un celoso cristiano llamado Neraco, quien, cuando llegaron a Armenia noticias de la persecución contra los cristianos, se preparó para entregar su vida por la fe. Su única pena era que Pelieucto todavía fuese gentil, pero tuvo la alegría de atraerlo a la verdad y de inspirarle un ardiente deseo de morir por la religión cristiana. Polieucto abiertamente se declaró cristiano, y pronto fue aprehendido y condenado a crueles tormentos. Cuando los verdugos se cansaron de atormentarlo, comenzaron a tratar de persuadirlo para que renunciase a Cristo. Las lágrimas y súplicas de su esposa Paulina, de sus hijos y de su suegro hubieran sido suficientes para hacer flaquear a un hombre menos resuelto. Polieucto, sin embargo, fortalecido por Dios se mantuvo más firme en la fe y recibió con alegría la sentencia de muerte. De camino a la ejecución, exhortó a los circunstantes a que renunciaran a sus ídolos y habló con tanto fervor, que muchos se convirtieron. Fue decapitado durante la persecución de Decio o Valeriano.
-San Simeón Esteban Nemanja, Rey Serbo, Grecia, 1200. Emblema: Modelo de Monasterio. San Simeón Esteban Nemanja, rey de Serbia, era el gran Zhupan de Serbia, y vivido durante el siglo tercero. El santo trabajó mucho por su patria: Él unió una porción grande de las tierras de Serbian, y se esforzó para la independencia política de su país del imperio bisantino. En su celo por la iglesia ortodoxa, defendió su nación contra herejías y falsas enseñanzas. En la edad de ochenta años, fue Esteban al Mt. Athos, adonde San Sabás (de enero el 12) del hijo, se glorificó por el holiness de su vida. Juntos restauraron el monasterio solitario de Hilandar, a el cual los monjes de varias tierras comenzaron a recolectar. San Simeón era una gran guía ascética y sabia para los monjes. Murió el 13 de febrerp de 1200, y sus reliquias comenzaron exudan San Sabas de la mirra transportaron las reliquias de su padre de nuevo a Serbia, y las pusieron en una iglesia del Theotokos más santo en el río Studenitsa. San Siméon adorno bien esta iglesia mientras que su regla de Serbia era inmóvil.
-Beata Cristina de Espoleto, del latín, "cristiana" (1435-1458). Monja. Originaria de Espoleto, Italia, se desconocen particularidades de su infancia y familia; se deduce que profesó la fe cristiana. Perteneció a la noble familia Visconti, al parecer contrajo nupcias con un caballero de alcurnia; vivía entre fiestas y frivolidades. Cuando enviudó decidió dejar lujos y vida de disipación e ingresó con las religiosas agustinas (algunos textos la ubican en la orden agustina seglar). En el claustro su vida se transformó; destacó por su piedad, así como en la asistencia a los menesterosos y a los enfermos. Tenía especial veneración por la pasión de Cristo; se dice que para imitar los sufrimientos del Redentor se atravesó un pie con un clavo. Es reconocida por sus experiencias místicas hasta su muerte, acaecida con fama de santa en el monasterio agustiniano de su tierra natal. Su culto se pierde en la memoria de los tiempos. Iconografía: con hábito, en éxtasis y con una llaga en el pie.
-Beato Jordán, de Sajonia, segundo Maestro general de los Dominicos; acrecentó el desarrollo de la obra de Santo Domingo de Guzmán hasta Tierra Santa. Son notables sus libros y sermones. No es cosa fácil dar con otro caso semejante en toda la historia de la Iglesia como este del Beato Jordán. Dios, en su Divina Providencia, tiene preparados todos los caminos, pero somos libres de seguirlos de una manera u otra. París casi siempre ha sido uno de los nudos más importantes en el devenir de la humanidad. Por el año 1219 se realiza allí un encuentro de estos que forman historia: Un venerable religioso - se llama Domingo de Guzmán y hace furores con sus predicaciones y con los muchos hombres que le siguen desde que hace unos años vino de España - se encuentra con un valiente joven, ya un tanto maduro, más en sabiduría y virtud que en años. Se llama Jordán. De aquel encuentro surgirá una vocación y una llamada a seguir por los caminos que le marca Domingo. A pesar de tanta bondad también sabía ser duro y firme cuando se trataba de cosas que se referían a algo muy serio en lo que se jugaban intereses de la Iglesia o de la Orden. Así lo fue con Federico II y con los superiores que no trataban de serlo según debían. El Beato Jordán, sobre todo, fue dotado de una cualidad especial para conmover a los oyentes. Con este medio supo llenar los conventos de aspirantes a la vocación y hacer que en todos sus conventos se viviera en la perfecta observancia regular que imprimiera el santo fundador Santo Domingo. Expiró en el Señor el 13 de febrero de 1237.
-San Ángel o Angelo Tancredi, de Rieti, uno de los primeros compañeros de San Francisco de Asís y su biógrafo en el libro de la Leyenda de las tres compañeros, 1258.
-Santa Ermenegilda o Ermenilda, reina de Mercia, en Inglaterra, y madre de Santa Wereburga, 700.
-San Esteban, obispo de Lyón, 512.
-San Esteban, abad, Italia, s. VI.
-San Fulcrazo de Lodeve, obispo.
-San Guimero, obispo, Carcasonne.
-San Julián, mártir de Lyón.
-San Pablo Liu-Hanzo, mártires, 1818.
-San Pedro, obispo de Vercelli, peregrino de los Santos Lugares, 1010.
-San Policeto, diácono y mártir, español, s. I. Cristianidad: Año 259. Martirio de San Policeto de Melitina. San Policeto, mártir, en Melitina en Armenia, que en la persecución del mismo Decio, habiendo padecido muchos tormentos, alcanzó la corona del martirio.
-Beata Eustaquia (Lucrecia) Bellini, virgen, Padua.
DE: -San Benigno, mártir en la persecución de Diocleciano. Según un relato titulado "La pasión de San Benigno", este santo vivió en el siglo II en Francia y fue martirizado en Dijón, durante el reinado de Marco Aurelio, pero se ignora dónde nació. Comenzó a venerárselo en Dijón, en una época posterior al siglo VI. Su cuerpo fue sepultado en una tumba que semejaba un monumento pagano, para engañar a los perseguidores. Recién hacia fines del siglo VI, San Gregorio, obispo de Langres, descubrió ese sepulcro, lo restauró y construyó una basílica sobre él.
-San Cástor, patrón de Coblenza, Alemania, 389. San Cástor abad y obispo nació en Nimes (se desconoce la fecha) y murió en Alemania el año 389. Se dedicó en su juventud a la abogacía. Después de unos años de matrimonio sin descendencia, su esposa tomó la decisión de retirarse a la vida contemplativa con ocasión de la muerte de su madre. Cástor no sólo aceptó gustoso esta decisión de su esposa, sino que él mismo decidió también dedicarse a la vida religiosa, para lo cual fundó el monasterio de Mananca, en el actual lugar del pueblo de Menerbes, distrito de Alemania. No quiso, por modestia, ser abad del mismo. Pero cuando falleció éste, los monjes le obligaron por aclamación a ocupar ese cargo. Era el principio de la vida monástica, y le fue muy útil la ayuda de San Juan Casiano. Al morir el obispo Quintín, de Alemania, fue nombrado y consagrado obispo, también contra su voluntad. Se le suele representar con un jabalí a causa de que en una ocasión uno de estos animales que había entrado en la ciudad, se refugió a su lado para evitar que le mataran.

-Santa Fusca, virgen, en Ravena, y su nodriza Santa Maura, mártires, s. III. En tiempo de persecución de Decio, una joven de 21 años, natural de Ravena, llamada Fusca deseaba abrazar el cristianismo. Habló de ello a Maura, su nodriza, quien la animó y le propuso convertirse también al cristianismo. Buscaron a un sacerdote llamado Hermoloro, quien les administró el bautismo. Cuando se entero de lo sucedido, el padre de Fusca montó en cólera e intentó -por diversos medios- devolver a su hija a las prácticas de la idolatría. Pero como no pudo doblegar su voluntad, la denunció al gobernador Quintiliano.
Este envió a sus secuaces para detener a Fusca y a su nodriza, pero a la vista de un ángel que estaba al lado de la joven, los esbirros no se atrevieron a ejecutar las órdenes. Fue necesario que las dos cristianas acudieran voluntariamente al tribunal para declarar que crían en Jesucristo. Fueron cruelmente flageladas y luego muertas.
-San Gilberto, obispo de Meaux, Francia, 1009. San Gilberto de Meaux, llamado también Gisleberto, fue el cuadragésimo tercer obispo de Meaux, que entonces se llamaba Jatinum y era la capital del pueblo de los meldi, de quienes tomaría el nombre esta capital, que pasó a llamarse Meldi, de donde derivaría el nombre de Meaux. Vivió Gilberto a caballo entre los siglos X y XI. Fue designado diácono por el obispo Ercanrando. Fue tan ejemplar en su ministerio, que a la muerte del obispo, en 995, estuvieron de acuerdo tanto el clero y el pueblo como el conde Odón para elegirle su sucesor. La nueva dignidad y las responsabilidades de la diócesis no alteraron su bondad natural y su espíritu conciliador. Se distinguió también por su ciencia. Murió el 13 de febrero del 1009.
-San Lucimo o Lucinio, obispo de Angers, 616. Desempeña altos cargos civiles y militares durante el gobierno del rey Clotario II. Pero lo renuncia todo, para servir a Cristo y su Iglesia en el ministerio sacerdotal.
Y desde la ciudad de Anjou, difunde la suavidad y pureza de sus costumbres y de su caridad como obispo santo, hasta su muerte el 13 de febrero del año 616. San Lucinio, que había hecho el número 17 en el elenco episcopal de aquella diócesis, pronto fue venerado en Anjou como el patrono de la ciudad.

-San Pablo Le-Van-Loc, mártir, 1859. Pablo Lê Van Lôc, nació en An-Nhon, Vietnam. Fue sacerdote en tiempos del emperador Tu Duc. Murió martirizado el 13 de febrero de 1859 en Thi-Nghe, Vietnam. En 1988 el Papa Juan Pablo II lo proclamó santo.
-San Polieucto o Poliecto, mártir de Armenia en la persecución de Decio, 259. La ciudad de Melitene en Armenia, que era una ciudad militar romana, es ilustre por el gran número de sus mártires. Entre ellos, el mártir de mayor alcurnia fue Polieucto, un oficial romano de padres griegos. Siendo aún pagano, se hizo amigo de un celoso cristiano llamado Neraco, quien, cuando llegaron a Armenia noticias de la persecución contra los cristianos, se preparó para entregar su vida por la fe. Su única pena era que Pelieucto todavía fuese gentil, pero tuvo la alegría de atraerlo a la verdad y de inspirarle un ardiente deseo de morir por la religión cristiana. Polieucto abiertamente se declaró cristiano, y pronto fue aprehendido y condenado a crueles tormentos. Cuando los verdugos se cansaron de atormentarlo, comenzaron a tratar de persuadirlo para que renunciase a Cristo. Las lágrimas y súplicas de su esposa Paulina, de sus hijos y de su suegro hubieran sido suficientes para hacer flaquear a un hombre menos resuelto. Polieucto, sin embargo, fortalecido por Dios se mantuvo más firme en la fe y recibió con alegría la sentencia de muerte. De camino a la ejecución, exhortó a los circunstantes a que renunciaran a sus ídolos y habló con tanto fervor, que muchos se convirtieron. Fue decapitado durante la persecución de Decio o Valeriano.



-San Ángel o Angelo Tancredi, de Rieti, uno de los primeros compañeros de San Francisco de Asís y su biógrafo en el libro de la Leyenda de las tres compañeros, 1258.
-Santa Ermenegilda o Ermenilda, reina de Mercia, en Inglaterra, y madre de Santa Wereburga, 700.
-San Esteban, obispo de Lyón, 512.
-San Esteban, abad, Italia, s. VI.
-San Fulcrazo de Lodeve, obispo.
-San Guimero, obispo, Carcasonne.
-San Julián, mártir de Lyón.
-San Pablo Liu-Hanzo, mártires, 1818.
-San Pedro, obispo de Vercelli, peregrino de los Santos Lugares, 1010.
-San Policeto, diácono y mártir, español, s. I. Cristianidad: Año 259. Martirio de San Policeto de Melitina. San Policeto, mártir, en Melitina en Armenia, que en la persecución del mismo Decio, habiendo padecido muchos tormentos, alcanzó la corona del martirio.
-Beata Eustaquia (Lucrecia) Bellini, virgen, Padua.
Our Lord told St. Gertrude the Great that the following prayer would release 1000 souls from Purgatory each time it is said: "Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most precious blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in Purgatory. Amen."

Maria Simma : Author of the book “My experience with souls in Purgatory”.

Maria Simma : Author of the book “My experience with souls in Purgatory”. Maria Simma tried three times to enter a monastery, but met with refusal because of ill health. Since 1940, she began to have visions of the souls in Purgatory, accompanied by severe physical suffering.
Maria, can you tell us what the role of Our Lady is with the souls in Purgatory?
She comes often to console them and to tell them they have done many good things. She encourages them.
Are there any days in particular on which she delivers them?
Above all, Christmas Day, All Saints Day, Good Friday, the Feast of the Assumption, and the Ascension of Jesus.
Maria, why does one go to Purgatory? What are the sins which most lead to Purgatory?
Sins against charity, against the love of one’s neighbor, hardness of heart, hostility, slandering, calumny — all these things.
Saying wicked things and calumny are among the worst blemishes which require a long purification?
She comes often to console them and to tell them they have done many good things. She encourages them.
Are there any days in particular on which she delivers them?
Above all, Christmas Day, All Saints Day, Good Friday, the Feast of the Assumption, and the Ascension of Jesus.
Maria, why does one go to Purgatory? What are the sins which most lead to Purgatory?
Sins against charity, against the love of one’s neighbor, hardness of heart, hostility, slandering, calumny — all these things.
Saying wicked things and calumny are among the worst blemishes which require a long purification?
Purgatory : First Example
Here, Maria gives us an example which really struck her which I would like to share with you. She had been asked to find out if a woman and a man were in Purgatory. To the great astonishment of those who had asked, the woman was already in Heaven and the man was in Purgatory. In fact, this woman had died while undergoing an abortion, whereas the man often went to church and apparently lead a worthy, devout life. So Maria searched for more information, thinking she’d been mistaken — but no, it was true. They had died at practically the same moment, but the woman had experienced deep repentance, and was very humble, whereas the man criticized everyone; he was always complaining and saying bad things about others. This is why his Purgatory lasted so long. And Maria concluded: “We mus not judge on appearances.”
Purgatory : Second Example
Other sins against charity are all our rejection of certain people we do not like, our refusals to make peace, our refusals to forgive, and all the bitterness we store inside. Maria also illustrated this point with another example which gave us food for thought. It’s the story of a woman she knew very well. This lady died and was in Purgatory, in the most terrible Purgatory, with the most atrocious sufferings. And when she came to Maria, she explained why: She had had a female friend; between them arose a great enmity, caused by herself. She had maintained this enmity for years and years, even though her friend had many times asked for peace, for reconciliation, but each time she refused. When she fell gravely ill, she continued to close her heart, to refuse the reconciliation offered by her friend, right up to her deathbed. I believe that this example has great significance concerning rancor which is maintained. And our words, too, can be destructive; we can never emphasize enough how much a critical or bitter word can truly kill — but also, on the contrary, how much a word can heal.
Maria, please tell us: who are those who have the greatest chance of going straight to Heaven?
Those who have a good heart towards everyone. Love covers a multitude of sins.
Yes, Saint Paul himself tells us this!
What are the means which we can take on earth to avoid Purgatory and go straight to Heaven?
We must do a great deal for the souls in Purgatory, for they help us in their turn. We must have much humility; this is the greatest weapon against evil, against the Evil One. Humility drives evil away.
Those who have a good heart towards everyone. Love covers a multitude of sins.
Yes, Saint Paul himself tells us this!
What are the means which we can take on earth to avoid Purgatory and go straight to Heaven?
We must do a great deal for the souls in Purgatory, for they help us in their turn. We must have much humility; this is the greatest weapon against evil, against the Evil One. Humility drives evil away.
Purgatory : Third Example
I can’t resist telling you a very lovely testimony of Father Berlioux (who wrote a wonderful book on the souls in Purgatory), concerning the help offered by these souls to those who relieve them by their prayer and suffrages. He tells the story of a person particularly devoted to the poor souls who had consecrated her life to their relief.
“At the hour of her death, she was attacked with fury by the demon who saw her at the point of escaping from him. It seemed that the entire abyss was united against her, surrounding her with its infernal troops. “The dying woman struggled excruciatingly for some time when suddenly she saw entering her apartment, a crowd of unknown people of dazzling beauty, who put the demon to flight and, approaching her bed, spoke to her with the most heavenly encouragement and consolations. With her last breath, in great joy, she cried; ‘Who are you? Who are you, please, you should do so much good to me?”
“The benevolent visitors replied: ‘We are inhabitants of Heaven, whom your help has led to Beatitude. And we in our turn come in gratitude to help you cross the threshold of eternity and rescue you from this place of anguish to bring you into the joy of the Holy City.’
“At these words, a smile lit up the face of the dying woman, her eyes closed and she fell asleep in the peace of the Lord. Her soul, pure as a dove, presented to the Lord of lords, found as many protectors and advocates as souls she had delivered, and recognized worthy of glory, she entered in triumph, among the applause and blessings of all those she had rescued from Purgatory. May we, one day, have the same happiness.”
“At these words, a smile lit up the face of the dying woman, her eyes closed and she fell asleep in the peace of the Lord. Her soul, pure as a dove, presented to the Lord of lords, found as many protectors and advocates as souls she had delivered, and recognized worthy of glory, she entered in triumph, among the applause and blessings of all those she had rescued from Purgatory. May we, one day, have the same happiness.”
The souls delivered by our prayer are extremely grateful: they help us in our lives; it’s most perceptible. I strongly recommend that you experience this yourself! They do help us; they know our needs and obtain many graces for us.
Maria, I am thinking of the Good Thief who was next to Jesus on the Cross. I really would like to know what he did for Jesus to promise him that this very day onwards, he would be in the Kingdom with him?
He humbly accepted his suffering, saying that it was justice. And he encouraged the other thief to accept his too. He had the fear of God, which means humility.
He humbly accepted his suffering, saying that it was justice. And he encouraged the other thief to accept his too. He had the fear of God, which means humility.
Purgatory : Fourth Example
Another beautiful example related by Maria Simma shows how a good action makes up for a whole life of sin. Let’s hear it from Maria herself:
“I knew a young man of about twenty, in a nearby village. This young man’s village had been cruelly stricken by a series of avalanches which had killed a large number of people. One night, this young man was in his parents’ house when he heard an avalanche just next door to his house. He heard piercing screams, heartrending screams, ‘Save us! Come, save us! We are trapped beneath the avalanche! Leaping up, he rose from his bed and rushed downstairs to go to the rescue of these people. His mother had heard the screams and prevented him from leaving; she blocked the door, saying ‘No! Let others go and help them, not always us! It’s too dangerous outside, I don’t want yet another death!’
“I knew a young man of about twenty, in a nearby village. This young man’s village had been cruelly stricken by a series of avalanches which had killed a large number of people. One night, this young man was in his parents’ house when he heard an avalanche just next door to his house. He heard piercing screams, heartrending screams, ‘Save us! Come, save us! We are trapped beneath the avalanche! Leaping up, he rose from his bed and rushed downstairs to go to the rescue of these people. His mother had heard the screams and prevented him from leaving; she blocked the door, saying ‘No! Let others go and help them, not always us! It’s too dangerous outside, I don’t want yet another death!’
But he, because he had been deeply affected by these screams, really wanted to go to the rescue of these people; he pushed his mother aside. He said to her: ‘Yes! I’m going! I can’t let them dies like this!” He went out, and then he himself, on the path, was struck by an avalanche and was killed. Three days after his death, he comes to visit me, at night, and he says to me: ‘Have three Masses said for me; by this, I will be delivered from Purgatory.’ I went to inform his family and friends; they were astonished to know that after only three Masses, he would be delivered from Purgatory. His friends said to me: ‘Oh, I wouldn’t have liked to have been in his place in the moment of death, if you’d seen all the bad things he’d done!” But this young man said to me: “You see, I’d made an act of pure love in risking my life for these people; it’s thanks to this that the Lord welcomed me so quickly into his Heaven. Yes, charity covers a multitude of sins…”
This story shows us that charity, a single act of love given freely, had been sufficient to purify this young man from a dissolute life; and the Lord had made the most of this moment of love. Maria in fact added that this young man might never again have had the opportunity to offer such a great act of love, and might have turned bad. The Lord, in his mercy, took him just at the moment when he appeared before him at his most beautiful, most pure, because of this act of love. It is very important, at the hour of death, to abandon oneself to God’s will.
Purgatory : Fifth Example
Maria told me of the case of a mother of four children who was about to die. Instead of rebelling and worrying, she said to the Lord: “I accept death, as long as it is your will, and I put my life in your hands. I entrust my sons to you and I know that you will take care of them.” Maria said that, because of her immense trust in God, this woman went straight to Heaven and avoided Purgatory. Therefore, we really can say that love, humility and abandonment to God are the three golden keys to going directly to Heaven.
Offer a Mass for them.
Maria, can you now tell us what are the most effective means to help deliver the souls in Purgatory?
The most efficient means is the Mass.
Why the Mass?
Because it is Christ who offers himself out of love for us. It is the offering of Christ himself to God, the most beautiful offering. The priest is God’s representative, but it is God himself who offers himself and sacrifices himself for us. The efficacy of the Mass for the deceased is even greater for those who attached great value to the Mass during their lives. If they attended Mass and prayed with all their hearts, if they went to Mass on weekdays — according to their time available — they draw great profit from Masses celebrated for them. Here, too, one harvests what one has sown. A soul in Purgatory sees very clearly on the day of his funeral if we really pray for him or if we have simply made an act of presence to show we were there. The poor souls say that tears are no good to them, only prayer. Often they complain that people go to a funeral without addressing a single prayer to God, while shedding many tears; this is useless!
Maria, can you now tell us what are the most effective means to help deliver the souls in Purgatory?
The most efficient means is the Mass.
Why the Mass?
Because it is Christ who offers himself out of love for us. It is the offering of Christ himself to God, the most beautiful offering. The priest is God’s representative, but it is God himself who offers himself and sacrifices himself for us. The efficacy of the Mass for the deceased is even greater for those who attached great value to the Mass during their lives. If they attended Mass and prayed with all their hearts, if they went to Mass on weekdays — according to their time available — they draw great profit from Masses celebrated for them. Here, too, one harvests what one has sown. A soul in Purgatory sees very clearly on the day of his funeral if we really pray for him or if we have simply made an act of presence to show we were there. The poor souls say that tears are no good to them, only prayer. Often they complain that people go to a funeral without addressing a single prayer to God, while shedding many tears; this is useless!
Purgatory : Sixth Example
Concerning the Mass, I will quote a beautiful example given by the Cure of Ars to his parishioners. He told them:
“My children, a good priest had the unhappiness to lose a friend he cherished tenderly, and so he prayed very much for the repose of his soul. One day, God made known to him that his friend was in Purgatory and suffered terribly. The holy priest believed that he could not do better than to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for his dear friend who had died. At the moment of the consecration, he took the host between his fingers and said ‘Holy Eternal Father, let us make an exchange. You hold the soul of my friend who is in Purgatory, and I hold the Body of Your Son in my hands. Well good and merciful Father; deliver my friend and I offer you your Son with all the merits of his death and Passion.’
“The request was answered. In fact, at the moment of the elevation, he saw the soul of his friend, shining in glory, rising to Heaven; God had accepted the deal.
“My children, a good priest had the unhappiness to lose a friend he cherished tenderly, and so he prayed very much for the repose of his soul. One day, God made known to him that his friend was in Purgatory and suffered terribly. The holy priest believed that he could not do better than to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for his dear friend who had died. At the moment of the consecration, he took the host between his fingers and said ‘Holy Eternal Father, let us make an exchange. You hold the soul of my friend who is in Purgatory, and I hold the Body of Your Son in my hands. Well good and merciful Father; deliver my friend and I offer you your Son with all the merits of his death and Passion.’
“The request was answered. In fact, at the moment of the elevation, he saw the soul of his friend, shining in glory, rising to Heaven; God had accepted the deal.
“My children, when we want to deliver from Purgatory a soul dear to us, let us do the same; let us offer to God, through the Holy Sacrifice, His Beloved Son with all the merits of His death and Passion. He will not be able to refuse us anything.”
Don’t waste your earthly sufferings
There is another means, very powerful, to help the poor souls; the offering of our sufferings, our penance, such as fasting, renunciations, etc, — and of course involuntary suffering like illness or mourning.
There is another means, very powerful, to help the poor souls; the offering of our sufferings, our penance, such as fasting, renunciations, etc, — and of course involuntary suffering like illness or mourning.
Maria, you have been invited many times to suffer for the poor souls, in order to deliver them. Can you tell us what you have experienced and undergone during these times?
The first time, a soul asked me if I wouldn’t mind suffering for three hours in my body, for her, and that afterwards I could resume working. I said to myself: “If it will all be over after three hours, I could accept it.” During these three hours, I had the impression that they lasted three days, it was so painful. But at the end, I looked at my watch and I saw that it had only lasted three hours. The soul told me that by accepting that suffering with love for three hours, I had saved her twenty years of Purgatory!
Yes, but why did you suffer for only three house to avoid twenty years of Purgatory? What did your sufferings have that was worth more?
It is because suffering on earth does not have the same value. On earth, when we suffer; we can grow in love, we can gain merits, which is not the case with the sufferings in Purgatory. In Purgatory, the sufferings serve only to purify us from sin. On earth, we have all the graces. We have the freedom to choose.
The first time, a soul asked me if I wouldn’t mind suffering for three hours in my body, for her, and that afterwards I could resume working. I said to myself: “If it will all be over after three hours, I could accept it.” During these three hours, I had the impression that they lasted three days, it was so painful. But at the end, I looked at my watch and I saw that it had only lasted three hours. The soul told me that by accepting that suffering with love for three hours, I had saved her twenty years of Purgatory!
Yes, but why did you suffer for only three house to avoid twenty years of Purgatory? What did your sufferings have that was worth more?
It is because suffering on earth does not have the same value. On earth, when we suffer; we can grow in love, we can gain merits, which is not the case with the sufferings in Purgatory. In Purgatory, the sufferings serve only to purify us from sin. On earth, we have all the graces. We have the freedom to choose.
All this is so encouraging because it gives an extraordinary meaning to our suffering; the suffering which is offered, voluntary or involuntary, even the smallest sacrifices we can make, suffering or sickness, mourning, disappointment…if we live them with patience, if we welcome them in humility, these sufferings can have an unheard-of power to help souls. The best thing to do, Maria tells us, is to unite our sufferings to those of Jesus, by placing them in the hands of Mary. She is the one who know best how to use them, since often we ourselves do not know the most urgent needs around us. All this, of course, Mary will give back to use at the hour of our death. You see, these sufferings offered will be our most precious treasures in the other world. We must remind each other of this and encourage each other when we suffer.
And don’t begrudge your prayers
Another very effective means, Maria tells us, is the Stations of the Cross, because, by contemplating the suffering of the Lord, we begin little by little to hate sins, and to desire salvation for all people. And this inclination of the heart brings great relief to the souls in Purgatory. The Stations of the Cross also move us to repentance; we start repenting when faced with sin. Another point, very helpful to the souls in Purgatory, is to say the rosary, all fifteen mysteries, for the sake of the deceased. Through the rosary, many souls are delivered from Purgatory each year; it must be said here as well that it is the Mother of God herself who comes to Purgatory to deliver the souls. This is very beautiful, because souls in Purgatory call Our Lady the “Mother of Mercy.”
Another very effective means, Maria tells us, is the Stations of the Cross, because, by contemplating the suffering of the Lord, we begin little by little to hate sins, and to desire salvation for all people. And this inclination of the heart brings great relief to the souls in Purgatory. The Stations of the Cross also move us to repentance; we start repenting when faced with sin. Another point, very helpful to the souls in Purgatory, is to say the rosary, all fifteen mysteries, for the sake of the deceased. Through the rosary, many souls are delivered from Purgatory each year; it must be said here as well that it is the Mother of God herself who comes to Purgatory to deliver the souls. This is very beautiful, because souls in Purgatory call Our Lady the “Mother of Mercy.”
The souls also tell Maria that indulgences have an inestimable value for their deliverance. It is sometimes cruel not to make use of this treasure that the Church proposes for the profit of souls. The subject of indulgences would be too long to explain here, but I can refer you to the marvellous text written by Pope Paul VI in 1968 on the subject. You can ask your parish priest for it, or simply ask at your usual religious bookstore. Therefore, we can say that the great means of helping the souls in Purgatory is prayer in general; all kinds of prayer.
Purgatory : Seventh Example
Here I would like to give you the testimony of Hermann Cohen, a Jewish artist who converted to Catholicism in 1864 and greatly venerated the Eucharist. He left the world and entered a very austere religious order; he frequently adored the Blessed Sacrament for which he had a great veneration. During his adoration, he would beg the Lord to convert his mother, whom he loved so much.
Well his mother died without having been converted. so Hermann, sick with sorrow, prostrated himself before the Blessed Sacrament, in deep grief, praying: “Lord, I owe you everything, it is true. But what have I refused you? My youth, my hopes in the world, my well-being, the joys of a family, a rest — maybe well deserved — all sacrificed as soon as you called me. And you , Lord, Eternal Goodness, who promised to give back a hundredfold, you have refused me the soul of my mother. My God, I succumb to this martyrdom, I will stop my complaints.” He cried his poor heart out. Suddenly, a mysterious voice struck his ear: “Man of little faith! Your mother is saved. Know that prayer is all-powerful in my presence. I gathered all those you had addressed to me for your mother, and my Providence took account of her in her last hour. At the moment she expired, I came to her; she saw Me and cried: ‘My Lord and my God’! Have courage, your mother has avoided damnation and fervent supplication will soon deliver her soul from the bonds of Purgatory.
And we know that Father Hermann Cohen, soon afterwards, learned through a second apparition that his mother had risen to Heaven.
I recommend strongly as well the prayers of St. Bridget which are most recommended for the poor souls.
I recommend strongly as well the prayers of St. Bridget which are most recommended for the poor souls.
The souls in Purgatory can no longer do anything for themselves; they are totally helpless. If the living do not pray for them, they are totally abandoned. Therefore, it is very important to realize the immense power, the incredible power that each one of us has in his hands to relieve these souls who suffer.
We wouldn’t think twice about helping a child who has fallen in front of us from a tree and who had broken his bones. Of course, we would do everything for him! So, in the same way, we should take great care of these souls, who expect everything from us, attentive to the slightest offering, hopeful for the least of our prayers, to relieve them from their pain. And it might be the finest way to practice charity. I think, for example, of the kindness of the Good Samaritan in the Gospel, towards the man left half-dead on the roadside bleeding from his wounds. This man depended completely on the good heart of the passer-by.
Maria, why can one no longer gain merits in Purgatory, when one can on earth?
Because at the moment of death, the time to earn merits is over. For as long as we are living on earth, we can repair the evil we have done. The souls in Purgatory envy us this opportunity. Even the angels are jealous of us, for we have the possibility of growing for as long as we are on earth. But often, the suffering in our lives leads us to rebellion and we have great difficulty in accepting and living it. How can we live suffering so that it bears fruit? Sufferings are the greatest proof of the love of God, and if we offer them well they can win many souls. But how can we welcome suffering as a gift and not as a punishment (as we often do), as a chastisement? We must give everything to Our Lady. She is the one who knows best who needs such and such an offering in order to be saved.
Because at the moment of death, the time to earn merits is over. For as long as we are living on earth, we can repair the evil we have done. The souls in Purgatory envy us this opportunity. Even the angels are jealous of us, for we have the possibility of growing for as long as we are on earth. But often, the suffering in our lives leads us to rebellion and we have great difficulty in accepting and living it. How can we live suffering so that it bears fruit? Sufferings are the greatest proof of the love of God, and if we offer them well they can win many souls. But how can we welcome suffering as a gift and not as a punishment (as we often do), as a chastisement? We must give everything to Our Lady. She is the one who knows best who needs such and such an offering in order to be saved.
Purgatory : Eighth Example
On the subject of suffering, I would like to relate an extraordinary testimony that Maria told us of. It was in 1954, and a series of deadly avalanches had struck a village next to Maria’s. Later, other avalanches had struck, but they had been stopped, in a completely miraculous way, before reaching the village, so that there was no damage. The souls explained that in this village had died a woman who had been ill and was not properly treated; she had suffered terribly for thirty years. And she had offered all her suffering for the sake of her village. The souls explained to Maria that it was thanks to the offering of this woman that the village had been spared the avalanches. She had borne her sufferings with patience. Maria tells us that if she had enjoyed good health, the village could not have been saved. She adds that sufferings borne with patience can save more souls than prayer (but prayer helps us to bear our sufferings).
We should not always consider suffering as a punishment. I can be accepted as expiation not only for ourselves but above all for others. Christ was innocence itself and He suffered the most for the expiation of our sins. Only in Heaven will we know all that we have obtained by suffering with patience in union with the sufferings of Christ.
Maria, do the souls in Purgatory rebel when faced with their suffering?
No! They want to purify themselves; they understand that it is necessary.
No! They want to purify themselves; they understand that it is necessary.
Read more at Souls in Purgatory
Mother Teresa : How Many Hours a Day Do You Pray?

Emphasis added:
Rome, Italy, Aug 26, 2010 / 05:46 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The Archpriest of
St. Peter's Basilica remembered at Mass on Thursday how a promise he made to Mother Teresa 40 years ago preserved his vocation. She taught him that without prayer, charity cannot exist.
Cardinal Comastri presided over the Eucharistic celebration at Rome's San Lorenzo in Damaso Church, which had a very welcoming feel with the presence of more than 100 Missionaries of Charity sisters, over 20 concelebrating priests, local government leaders and a very diverse collection of faithful.
Church-goers were pleasantly surprised by the presence of newly-arrived prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, Cardinal Marc Ouellet, who also concelebrated and read a message from the Pope at the beginning of Mass.
In a homily which emphasized that love is the foundation of our existence, Cardinal Comastri remembered a personal encounter he had with the Missionaries of Charity's founder when he was just a young priest.
His first contact with Mother Teresa came when he mailed her a letter just after he was ordained a priest. Her "unexpected" response was especially striking, he recalled, because it was written on "very poor paper, in a very poor envelope."
At a later date, Cardinal Comastri sought her out when she was visiting Rome to thank her for the answer. When he found her, she asked him a question that left him "a little embarrassed."
"How many hours do you pray a day?" she asked.
In 1969-70, he recalled, the Church was in a time of "dispute," so thinking that it was "near heroism, then-Father Comastri explained to her that he said daily Mass in addition to praying the Liturgy of the Hours and the Rosary.”
To this, she responded flatly, "That's not enough.”
"Love cannot be lived minimally," she said, and then asked him to promise to do half an hour of adoration every day.
"I promised," said Cardinal Comastri, "and today I can say that this saved my priesthood."
Trying to defend his case at the time, he told Mother Teresa that he thought she was going to ask him how much charity he did. She answered him, "And do you think if I didn't pray I would be able to love the poor? It's Jesus that puts love in my heart when I pray."
She helped the poor, but it was "always Jesus' love," the saintly sister told him.
Then, Mother told him something that he would never forget: she told him to read Scripture.
Through Jesus' teachings, she said, we are reminded that "without God we're too poor to help the poor.” This, she explained, "is why so much assistance falls into the void. It doesn't change anything, it doesn't contribute anything because it doesn't bring love and it isn't born of prayer."
Concluding, Cardinal Comastri said, "Through this little woman ... we are reminded that charity is the apostolate of the Church and that charity is only born if we pray."
Guess I need to get to work...
Biretta tip to Fr. Z.

Page Index
What's the Catholic Church's View? The existence of Purgatory or a 'purifying process' after death is a Catholic Dogma of the Faith which means every Catholic must believe in order to remain a Catholic. The Church does not insist that it is a place, but may be a process only. It is not a destination ~ but a sort of passage through which all who must experience it, will eventually be purified enough to see God face to face.
It's understood that the souls undergoing this purification may benefit from the prayers of the living, but that the opportunity of grace to pray for their own relief has passed.
Just as a prisoner who awaits his trial - may be released from jail by a friend who pays the cost of his bail. So we may help to gain the release of a holy soul from the prison of his suffering. It's considered a great act of spiritual mercy by the Church to pray for the dead.
Catechism courtesy of Leaflets of Faith:
1030 - All who die in God's grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven.
1031 - The Church gives the name Purgatory to this final purification of the elect, which is entirely different from the punishment of the damned.
The Church formulated her doctrine of faith on Purgatory especially at the Councils of Florence (1439) and Trent (1563). The tradition of the Church, by reference to certain texts of Scripture, speaks of a cleansing fire:
"But if someone's work is burned up, that one will suffer loss; the person will be saved, but only as through fire." (I Cor 3:15)
"That the trial of your faith (much more precious than gold which is tried by the fire) may be found unto praise and glory and honor at the appearing of Jesus Christ:" (1 Peter 1:7)
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Novena das Almas. Eterno Pai, eu vos ofereço o preciosíssimo sangue, as santas chagas, e todos os méritos da Paixão e Morte de Jesus; as lágrimas e as dores de sua Mãe Santíssima, pedindo-vos alívio para as almas do purgatório. Nossa Senhora do Carmo, rogai por elas. São José, rogai por elas. São Miguel Arcanjo, intercedei por elas. E vós almas Santas e benditas, ide perante Deus apresentar a minha súplica. Amém.

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- ▼ Fevereiro (15)
- Padre Pio et le Purgatoire
- Los Santos de hoy Domingo 13 de febrero de 2011
- Our Lord told St. Gertrude the Great that the foll...
- Maria Simma : Author of the book “My experience wi...
- Mother Teresa : How Many Hours a Day Do You Pray?
- Purgatory Apologetics : BIBLICAL REFERENCES $PROPE...
- As aparições de almas do Purgatório
- Apesar de Novembro ser o Mês das almas do purgatór...
- Rezemos pelas almas!
- A importância da oração pelas almas do Purgatório
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