sábado, 23 de dezembro de 2017

Mary Coredemptrix In Sacred Scripture Rev. Stefano Maria Manelli, F.F.I


Why You Need to Love Our Lady Even More by Father Stefano M. Manelli, F.F.I.

Resultado de imagem para Fr. Stefano Maria Manelli
This article aims at casting light on the beauty and high value of devotion to the Madonna, enkindling affection in readers' hearts for our dear heavenly Mother. Father Stefano Manelli endeavors to achieve this by showing what our models, the Saints, have taught by word and example.

The Madonna merits devotion as our Queen

St. Therese of the Child Jesus called the Madonna "Queen Of My Heart." We, too, should have devotion to the Madonna because She is our Queen and because it is a duty of subjects to love, honor, and praise their Queen.
The Madonna has a share in the royalty of God, the royalty of Jesus. She became Mother of the supreme King. One rightly calls Her Jesus' Queen-Mother, and in Heaven She now takes Her place in glory at Her Son's right hand: "The queen stood on Thy right hand in gilded clothing" (Psalm 44:10).
Her status as God's Mother and Her Immaculate Conception truly make the Madonna Queen of the universe and Empress of paradise. She is the only creature who can say to God, "Thou art My Son" (Psalm 2:7). She can say to all heaven and earth, "The Lord possessed Me [envisioned Me, planned Me] in the beginning of His ways, before He made anything from the beginning. I was set up[conceived in His designs] from eternity, and of old before the earth was made. The depths were not as yet, and I was already conceived: neither had the fountains of waters as yet sprung out. The mountains with their huge bulk had not as yet been established: before the hills I was brought forth [forechosen]." (Proverbs 8:22-25) St. Bernardine of Siena explains: Mary was "preordained in God's mind before all creation" in order that She "might beget God as man" (Serm. 15, c. 4). Thus the world was created for the Immaculate Queen as foreseen in God's mind; and She, in the fullness of time, was created for God. READ...


Mary Coredemptrix In Sacred Scripture Rev. Stefano Maria Manelli, F.F.I

 Resultado de imagem para Fr. Stefano Maria Manelli
Fr. Manelli is Founder and Minister General of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. He is well known in Italy as a distinguished preacher and writer. His biblical Mariology has recently appeared in English under the title: “All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed.” Introduction Every truth of our faith has its origin in divine Revelation, whose two primary sources are Sacred Scripture and Tradition. Both sources are guaranteed by the Magisterium of the Church whose duty it is to guard the deposit of faith and “confirm” believers in their faith according to the word of Jesus (cf. Lk 22:32). Thus, the truth of the “maternal Mediation” of Mary, to use the happy phrase of Pope John Paul II,1 has its origin in Sacred Scripture, and is then developed in Tradition, sustained and guaranteed by the living Magisterium of the Church, nourished by the “lex orandi, lex credendi” of the Liturgy, and by the sensus fidelium ever present in the holy people of God.2 READ...

Um mês com Maria
Padre Stefano Maria Manelli
Mês de maio, mês de Maria, afetuosíssima Mãe dos fiéis católicos. Assim como o mês de outubro, maio é um mês dedicado a Santíssima Virgem; tendo como centro as orações dedicadas a Ela, em especial o Santo Rosário, que nos faz meditar os Mistérios de nossa Redenção.
As meditações são do livro “Um mês com Maria”, do padre Stefano Maria Manelli, um franciscano da Imaculada, nascido em 1933 e filho de filhos espirituais de Padre Pio, do qual o menino recebeu a primeira comunhão.
Uma meditação para cada dia, baseadas em escritos e histórias de santos, com pequenos votos ao final de cada uma.
Os dias ficam mais leves de serem vividos quando entregamos tudo a Ela, pois Ela entrega tudo a Cristo, como São Luís Maria Grignon de Montfort escreveu em seu Tratado de Devoção: Maria, conhecendo Seu Filho, sabe como melhor entregar nossos pedidos e agradecimentos a Cristo.

"I am a Catholic Priest" by Fr. Stefano Manelli F.I.

Marian-Franciscan Charism 


"I am a Catholic Priest"

“I am a Catholic priest.” With this statement, we have in just a few words the “ID card” of St. Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish Franciscan priest martyred at Auschwitz August 14, 1941, seventy years ago. When the fierce Lagerführer Karl Fritzsch, in reprisal for the escape...