The Feast of Corpus Christi at St. Mary Church, Norwalk
First Altar of Repose, decorated by St. Mary’s Indian community
Second Altar of Repose, decorated by St. Mary’s Filipino community
Third Altar of Repose, decorated by St. Mary’s Hispanic community
Returning to the church for Benediction
Corpus Christi: Varia from the USA

Holy Rosary, Lander, Wyoming
(At Holy Rosary, this is the first time in 20 years that they have apparently had the Corpus Christi procession again. The intent is to now have it each year. Some of our readers may recognize that this is the parish associated with Wyoming Catholic College.)

Cathedral of St. Raphael, Madison, Wisconsin

Photo by Tom Reitz

Photo by Tom Reitz
Corpus Christi: Berlin, Germany (Institute of St. Philip Neri)
[We continue with Corpus Christi photos from around the world. It is evident that many of our readers are eager to share these, and evidently many are also eager to see them. We shall publish as much as we reasonably can before we prepare to move back into our normal range of NLM coverage and topics.]
Institut St. Philipp Neri

Institut St. Philipp Neri