In his homily, the Holy Father spoke of liturgical prayer – the official, public praise of God – as the highest expression of the mystery of the Church. “Our lips, our hearts and our minds,” he said, “are, in the prayer of the Church, interpreters of the needs and aspirations of all humanity.” The Pope called the daily prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours, “an essential task of the ordained ministry in the Church,” all of whose members together constitute God’s very own family.
Pope Benedict went on to say, “Through the ...»
Pope in Milan: meeting with young people
Pope at Milan's La Scala: we seek the God who is near
Pope: Faith, families and secular Milan Pope Benedict XVI arrived in Italy’s economic hub, the city of Milan, Friday evening to a rapturous welcome in the central Piazza del Duomo. As the sun set over the iconic cathedral- which he described as a “forest of spires” - the Holy Father had a special message for the thousands of families who have come from across the globe for the VII World Meeting. Emer McCarthy reports Listen: He ...» |
Pope: Europe, the Eucharist and daily life Pope Benedict XVI will not be physically travelling to Dublin for the 50th International Eucharist Congress (June 10-17), but his prayer intentions for the month of June leave little room for doubt that he will be spiritually following pilgrims in Ireland every step of the way. His general prayer intention for June is: “That believers may recognize in the Eucharist the living presence of the Risen ...» |