We visited today the church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Newark New Jersey on the occasion of its patronal feast. The mass and procession are held both today and on the actual feast day, July 16. And all week there is a street festival. Now contrary to what had been reported, the mass was not Traditional, but English Novus Ordo incorporating elements of a Solemn High Mass. (Was this a last minute change? – the brochure for the Feast Day masses includes the Traditional Mass propers) But the fine and touching music – in Latin and Italian – was most emphatically traditional. Indeed, it strongly reminded me of my own dimly remembered “pre-conciliar” experiences in Brooklyn and Long island in the 1960′s. Afterwards the procession with the Statue of Our Lady- and an Italian brass band – wound its way through the streets of the Ironbound district.
The altars, statues and other decoration of this parish church are magnificent.
Hardly a Traditional Mass…