LMS Priest Training in Prior Park: photos

I attended part of the Latin Mass Society's Priest and Server Training Conference which took place last week at Prior Park, the Catholic public school on the outskirts of Bath.

Bishop Bains' magnificent neo-classical Chapel, dedicated to Our Lady of the Snows, with its side chapels, made a superb backdrop for the liturgies and training of the week. For the slightly complicated history of the complex see here. Here are some photos.

The training was a great success, with priests and servers from England and Scotland, two priests from Poland, a seminarian and a man soon to be ordained to the permanent diaconate. In addition, Tom Neal, Musical Director at St Augustine's Ramsgate, with the assistance of Dominic Bevan, led a large polyphonic choir who themselves were quite rigorously trained to accompany the liturgies of the conference.

The full set is here. I'm delighted for others to use them, but please attribute them and link to me or the LMS.