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The Sanctus (folio 6r) |
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The beginning of the Canon (folio 6v) Ancient Sacramentaries in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France |
Icon of Blessed Karl of Austria Presented to the Pope
Gregory DiPippo
On October 14, the Emperor Karl League of Prayer recently presented to the Holy Father an icon of the Blessed, the work of Bulgarian iconographer Alexander Schelekow; this was done during a private audience in commemoration of the centenary of the initiative of Pope Benedict XV to end the First World War. Thanks to our friend Jordan Hainsey, who i...
Ancient Sacramentaries in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Gregory DiPippo
As a follow up to yesterday’s post of some historical Ambrosian Missals, here is a collection of illustrations and decorations found in early Roman Sacramentaries, from the endlessly useful website of the Bibliothèque nationale de France. Some of the most famous and important liturgical manuscripts in the world are kept there, and can be downloade...
40 Hours at Holy Innocents in NYC, Oct. 27-29
Gregory DiPippo
The Church of the Holy Innocents in New York City will start its Forty Hours Devotion tomorrow evening, at 6 p.m., with a Votive Mass of the Most Blessed Sacrament, followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament a solemn Eucharistic procession inside the church, the Pange lingua, the Litany of the Saints; other special psalms and prayers wil...
Young People™
Gregory DiPippo
The least religious generation, you say? But we have art! Young People™ love art like this. From the World Meeting of Families 2018 Twitter feed. And it worked so well back in the 70s! (Shamelessly stolen from KP and MTK!) ...
Three Historic Ambrosian Missals
Gregory DiPippo
Three historically important Ambrosian missals were recently on display at the Bibliotheca Ambrosiana in Milan; the first two as shown here are the oldest complete missals of the Ambrosian Rite. The Missal of Biasca is dated by scholars from the end of the 9th to the middle of the 10th century. It was written for a parish outside Milan, and l...
EF Christ the King at St Agnes in New York
Gregory DiPippo
On Sunday, October 29th, the Church of St Agnes in New York City will celebrate the feast of Christ the King, starting with Mass in the Extraordinary Form at 9 am, followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, the Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart, the Litany of the Sacred Heart, and Benediction. The Missa Ave Virgo Sanctissima by Juan Es...
Liturgical Linens: Making Purificators, and Completed Projects
David Clayton
Following on from yesterday’s post about the creation of altar linens, written by one of the Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa, here are photographs which show some of the details of her work. I must admit that I have barely given a second thought to altar lines, and had no idea of care and attention that is given to them. The comments are hers. He...
Photopost Catch-Up: October 2017
Gregory DiPippo
Here are photos from a variety of events which have taken place over the last few weeks, with out thanks, as always, to everybody who sent them in! We have a nice mix of Masses and processions held for particular events, and a follow up on our last photopost, since someone asked to see more of a certain church in the Philippines. The Marie Reine...
The Art of Making Altar Linens - As Described By A Marian Sister of Santa Rosa
David Clayton
And taking him down, he wrapped him in fine linen, and laid him in a sepulchre that was hewed in stone, wherein never yet any man had been laid. (Luke 23:53) Let us be glad and rejoice, and give glory to him; for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath prepared herself. And it is granted to her that she should clothe herself with fi...
Liturgy, Authority, and Postmodernity: An Article by Dom Alcuin Reid on CWR
Gregory DiPippo
Yesterday, Catholic World Report published an article by Dom Alcuin Reid entitled “Liturgy, Authority, and Postmodernity”, originally delivered as the opening address at The Society for Catholic Liturgy’s annual conference, held this year in Philadelphia on September 28. Dom Reid addresses a number of very interesting questions, beginning, as he h...
New Sacred Music: Recordings and Remarks
Peter Kwasniewski
This past June, The Ecclesia Choir under the direction of Timothy Woods gave a concert of my sacred choral music at St. John Cantius Catholic Church in Chicago. It was a splendid and memorable occasion, one for which I am very grateful to Our Lord, Our Lady, St. Cecilia, the singers, the canons at the church, and all who attended. We made a profe...
Three-Dimensional Wooden Crucifix Icon by Francis Koerber
Peter Kwasniewski
I received a note from the multifaceted artist Francis Koerber of Jackson, Wyoming, concerning a project he recently completed: an interpretation, in three dimensions, of the traditional Byzantine crucifixion scene, using woods and paints. Here is the completed work: The woods utilized are, back, quarter sawn oak; crucifix, Brazilian cherry; c...
St. Thomas’ Earliest Treatment of the Sacraments Now in Print — and a 50% Sale on Other Volumes
Peter Kwasniewski
As we have covered in the past (e.g., here and here), The Aquinas Institute has undertaken the project of publishing a Latin/English Opera Omnia of the Angelic Doctor in approximately 60 hardcover volumes. The progress has been impressive so far: the Summa Theologiae; the Pauline Commentaries; the Matthew and John Commentaries; th...
St Nicholas Upgraded in Italy
Gregory DiPippo
I recently learned that last year, the Congregation for Divine Worship approved a request of the Italian Bishops’ Conference to make the memorial of St Nicholas obligatory in Italy; on the General Calendar of the OF it remains at the lowest grade of feasts, optional memorial, on his traditional day, December 6th. As Fr Hunwicke pointed out, with h...

Mozart’s Requiem for All Souls’ Day at St Agnes in St Paul, MN
Gregory DiPippo
Now in its 44th season at the Church of Saint Agnes in Saint Paul, Minneapolis, the Twin Cities Catholic Chorale will continue its tradition of performing the Requiem of Mozart (K 626) with orchestra, at a Solemn Latin Mass, beginning at 7:30 p.m.on November 2. For more information, visit the website http://www.catholicchorale.org/. The churc...