1. An Invitation to Trust
May 22nd, 2013
The root of all evil is the lie, the deceptions that cover over the truth, the darknesses that destroy the light. These deceptions are stored in the heart and when someone approaches me I uncover and remove these inner lies that had guided the person.
As the lies and deceptions are removed, the person walks in truth. They become as a totally new creation, like mankind as it came from the Father’s hand, devoid of darkness and open to the truth. Restoring mankind means a return to truth.
So much needs to be uncovered. From the beginning, the Evil One planted lies in the hearts of the first parents that caused them to disobey. The problem of mankind is the great deceptions that block the heavenly Father’s power and casts mankind into the darkness.
O reader, in these locutions, we will invite you to live in complete and absolute trust, in the great innocence of the child who is so pleasing to the Father. Let all the lies and deceptions be disclosed. Lies only have power when they remain hidden in the dark recesses of your heart.
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The root of all evil is the lie, the deceptions that cover over the truth, the darknesses that destroy the light. These deceptions are stored in the heart and when someone approaches me I uncover and remove these inner lies that had guided the person.
As the lies and deceptions are removed, the person walks in truth. They become as a totally new creation, like mankind as it came from the Father’s hand, devoid of darkness and open to the truth. Restoring mankind means a return to truth.
So much needs to be uncovered. From the beginning, the Evil One planted lies in the hearts of the first parents that caused them to disobey. The problem of mankind is the great deceptions that block the heavenly Father’s power and casts mankind into the darkness.
O reader, in these locutions, we will invite you to live in complete and absolute trust, in the great innocence of the child who is so pleasing to the Father. Let all the lies and deceptions be disclosed. Lies only have power when they remain hidden in the dark recesses of your heart.
2. Loving the Darkness
May 23rd, 2013
I bring the fullness of light, but people want their darkness. They live in deceptions that begin with themselves and their own intentions, hiding their real motives and covering over their real feelings. This prevents my light from entering. Few there are who welcome the truth. When there is credit to be taken, they want their full share. Where there is blame, they flee and declare themselves innocent.
If only they looked into their own hearts, they would see the truth and correct their motives. Instead they want the darkness and are condemned to live in self-deception. This precludes the change of heart which would bless them and others.
I lived in the fullness of God’s light, given to me from the beginning. This light pierced the depth of my soul. I never spoke a false word and I was always aware of the desires and motives that filled my heart. I lived in truth and this is the gift I offer to you, O reader, a life of personal truth, totally in God’s light. This light will challenge you . At times, it will rebuke you. But, this inner light is my special gift to you. Accept it now. “O Mary if you give me your light, I will accept it fully”.
I bring the fullness of light, but people want their darkness. They live in deceptions that begin with themselves and their own intentions, hiding their real motives and covering over their real feelings. This prevents my light from entering. Few there are who welcome the truth. When there is credit to be taken, they want their full share. Where there is blame, they flee and declare themselves innocent.
If only they looked into their own hearts, they would see the truth and correct their motives. Instead they want the darkness and are condemned to live in self-deception. This precludes the change of heart which would bless them and others.
I lived in the fullness of God’s light, given to me from the beginning. This light pierced the depth of my soul. I never spoke a false word and I was always aware of the desires and motives that filled my heart. I lived in truth and this is the gift I offer to you, O reader, a life of personal truth, totally in God’s light. This light will challenge you . At times, it will rebuke you. But, this inner light is my special gift to you. Accept it now. “O Mary if you give me your light, I will accept it fully”.
3. Lies of Mankind
May 24th, 2013
Every lie begins in the heart and is not the fruit of love (for either God or for man). Lies are given birth by an intellect that sees some selfish interest. Once conceived, the lie slips easily from the human lips and travels to the very end of the universe. Lies cannot enter heaven where only truth gains admission, so the lie returns to earth and is sown in the field of corruption.
Earth is now filled with lies and deceptions. With each lie, some light of truth has been extinguished and the darkness grows. Amid these lies, man walks in darkness. Man deceives man until all of human life becomes the grand deception. Such is the state of mankind.
To all my children, I teach the truth. They love the truth and would never allow a lie to enter their heart. Their heart is like heaven, giving admittance only to the seeds of truth. They harvest the truth and its fruit is sweet.
The Evil One tires to sow his weeds but the soul rejects those weeds as weeds of death. When life is finished, the harvest is all wheat that can be gathered into God’s barn.
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Every lie begins in the heart and is not the fruit of love (for either God or for man). Lies are given birth by an intellect that sees some selfish interest. Once conceived, the lie slips easily from the human lips and travels to the very end of the universe. Lies cannot enter heaven where only truth gains admission, so the lie returns to earth and is sown in the field of corruption.
Earth is now filled with lies and deceptions. With each lie, some light of truth has been extinguished and the darkness grows. Amid these lies, man walks in darkness. Man deceives man until all of human life becomes the grand deception. Such is the state of mankind.
To all my children, I teach the truth. They love the truth and would never allow a lie to enter their heart. Their heart is like heaven, giving admittance only to the seeds of truth. They harvest the truth and its fruit is sweet.
The Evil One tires to sow his weeds but the soul rejects those weeds as weeds of death. When life is finished, the harvest is all wheat that can be gathered into God’s barn.
4. Lies of the Individual
May 25th, 2013
There are too many words. Let your speech be “yes” or “no”, anything more is from the Evil One. (Mt.5:37) Such is the life of man, filled with deceiving and flattering words. These are like bribes that open doors which should remain closed, gaining favors that are not merited. Lies cover over the truth or gain a false access. Deceptions lie at the heart and come forth by deceiving words. They are like clouds that cover the sun, not allowing man to live in a full light. These are the daily deceptions which do not allow human life to follow truth. The road gets twisted and so many get lost.
My words were few but always spoken from the heart. O reader, what is in your heart? What do you truly believe and think? Say those thoughts in great charity. Never change the truth. Your words will be like arrows, piercing the hearts of others. Let them be gentle words that console and encouraging words that lift up the spirit.
If you do this, I will give you greater words that can revive the spirit and animate people to know and to love Jesus. These are the great words that spread the gospel and give faith. Faith comes from hearing and blessed is the person who preaches the good news.
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There are too many words. Let your speech be “yes” or “no”, anything more is from the Evil One. (Mt.5:37) Such is the life of man, filled with deceiving and flattering words. These are like bribes that open doors which should remain closed, gaining favors that are not merited. Lies cover over the truth or gain a false access. Deceptions lie at the heart and come forth by deceiving words. They are like clouds that cover the sun, not allowing man to live in a full light. These are the daily deceptions which do not allow human life to follow truth. The road gets twisted and so many get lost.
My words were few but always spoken from the heart. O reader, what is in your heart? What do you truly believe and think? Say those thoughts in great charity. Never change the truth. Your words will be like arrows, piercing the hearts of others. Let them be gentle words that console and encouraging words that lift up the spirit.
If you do this, I will give you greater words that can revive the spirit and animate people to know and to love Jesus. These are the great words that spread the gospel and give faith. Faith comes from hearing and blessed is the person who preaches the good news.
5. Lies of the Nation
May 26th, 2013
The great deceptions happen when nations come together. Treaties are signed that are meaningless, just delays so decisions of stealth can be implemented.
Leaders do not speak the truth to their people and people do not demand the truth from their leaders. One compromises the other, supposedly for the benefit of both the leader and his followers.
However, as truth is postponed, the situation deteriorates. Those who committed the lies pass off the scene, and others must deal with the twisted and scarred reality left behind. Lies and deceptions weaken the fabric of society until the problems are unsolvable. Lies become a constant necessity because people do not want to hear the truth. The nation cannot be saved. People have become addicted to the lie. No one wants to face the truth and deal with the problems in an honest way. Such is the state of every modern nation.
The situation is beyond any human response because all lack the will to confront the lies. Leaders are tied up by their people and people by their leaders. Will there ever again be an Age of Truth, when people refused to lie and those who did so were held accountable. Now, there is the wink of the eye and all understand that the truth will never be told. How can the world survive when all eyes are closed to the truth?
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The great deceptions happen when nations come together. Treaties are signed that are meaningless, just delays so decisions of stealth can be implemented.
Leaders do not speak the truth to their people and people do not demand the truth from their leaders. One compromises the other, supposedly for the benefit of both the leader and his followers.
However, as truth is postponed, the situation deteriorates. Those who committed the lies pass off the scene, and others must deal with the twisted and scarred reality left behind. Lies and deceptions weaken the fabric of society until the problems are unsolvable. Lies become a constant necessity because people do not want to hear the truth. The nation cannot be saved. People have become addicted to the lie. No one wants to face the truth and deal with the problems in an honest way. Such is the state of every modern nation.
The situation is beyond any human response because all lack the will to confront the lies. Leaders are tied up by their people and people by their leaders. Will there ever again be an Age of Truth, when people refused to lie and those who did so were held accountable. Now, there is the wink of the eye and all understand that the truth will never be told. How can the world survive when all eyes are closed to the truth?
6. The Light of the Truth
May 27th, 2013
Truth is a road, a path, a way of life. My path was of total obedience to the Father and I walked no other road. This led me before Pilate, where I spoke the truth. This led me to Calvary, where I was totally obedient. Such is my invitation to all who would follow me. You must walk in truth. Then, the doors that should remain closed will never open to you and you will never be trapped in your own lies and ruined by your own falsehoods.
Living in truth, you will patiently wait until the right doors open where you will find the Father’s call.
I promise you that I will reveal to you the heavenly Father’s plan for your life, but first you must be committed to the truth. Purge from your heart any lies. Purge the lies of the past. See the relationships that you should never have entered. Straighten them out, by truth. If this leads you to leave your present situation, then follow the truth.
Accept the light of truth into your heart. It must become the flame that guides all your decisions. Hold this flame up high. Do not bury it under a basket. Put it on the lampstand. Let it give light to the whole house. This is new for you but I will be with you. Together we will discover the heavenly Father’s plan for you.
Truth is a road, a path, a way of life. My path was of total obedience to the Father and I walked no other road. This led me before Pilate, where I spoke the truth. This led me to Calvary, where I was totally obedient. Such is my invitation to all who would follow me. You must walk in truth. Then, the doors that should remain closed will never open to you and you will never be trapped in your own lies and ruined by your own falsehoods.
Living in truth, you will patiently wait until the right doors open where you will find the Father’s call.
I promise you that I will reveal to you the heavenly Father’s plan for your life, but first you must be committed to the truth. Purge from your heart any lies. Purge the lies of the past. See the relationships that you should never have entered. Straighten them out, by truth. If this leads you to leave your present situation, then follow the truth.
Accept the light of truth into your heart. It must become the flame that guides all your decisions. Hold this flame up high. Do not bury it under a basket. Put it on the lampstand. Let it give light to the whole house. This is new for you but I will be with you. Together we will discover the heavenly Father’s plan for you.