Dear friends in Christ, here you are a new international petition directly addressed to our Beloved Pope Francis. I ask you to actively and massively promote this email campaign. AJPM

His Holiness Pope Francis, Beloved Father of all the Catholics, Defender of the Poor
- at Secretariat of State
His Eminence Secretary Msgr. Pietro Parolin
00120 Città del Vaticano – Palazzo Apostolico
- at Holy See Press office
Rev. Fr. Federico Lombardi S.I.
Dear Pope Francis,
we are catholics from several countries, different heritages, various spiritual paths. We have in common obedience to religious authority, passion for Mary, imitation of St. Francis, love for Our Lord Jesus Christ.
We’ve been blessed by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate charism and experience. Our lives have been changed, our hearts beat when we see those celestial habits, our desire is holiness and spreading the love outpouring from Merciful Heart of Jesus.
We know that the commissioning of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate has been allowed and supervised by His Holiness. We want to obey You and our souls are thorned by confusion and sadness, because a holy religious order is being crumbled, its founders treated as guilty party without any clear accusation. Therefore we write You as our last hope.
We know You have been informed that the Institute had reputedly taken a crypto-schismatic drift and that alleged misconducts have occurred. We firmly believe these charges are inaccurate and that the sources that provided You with these reports haven’t been describing the facts in an unbiased way.
With this letter, we beg You, as children before their dad, to personally meet Fr. Stefano Maria Manelli and Fr. Gabriele Maria Pellettieri, Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate founders. We beseech You to at least offer these two men one hour of Your precious time, and if You’ll find they are obstinate sinners and not holy men of God, won’t they deserve Your mercy all the more so? But if You’ll find they acted bona fide, and if You’ll see that informations You’ve received are not true, will You restore their religious family? And will You concern about what’s happening to the Franciscan Sisters of Immaculate too?
Dear Pope Francis,
we’ve been learning to be happily puzzled and joyfully moved by Your actions and words. We hope You’ll surprise us again.
We offer You all of our prayers, sufferings, good deeds.
In Corde Matris
His Holiness Pope Francis, Beloved Father of all the Catholics, Defender of the Poor
- at Secretariat of State
His Eminence Secretary Msgr. Pietro Parolin
00120 Città del Vaticano – Palazzo Apostolico
- at Holy See Press office
Rev. Fr. Federico Lombardi S.I.
Dear Pope Francis,we are catholics from several countries, different heritages, various spiritual paths. We have in common obedience to religious authority, passion for Mary, imitation of St. Francis, love for Our Lord Jesus Christ.We’ve been blessed by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate charism and experience. Our lives have been changed, our hearts beat when we see those celestial habits, our desire is holiness and spreading the love outpouring from Merciful Heart of Jesus.We know that the commissioning of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate has been allowed and supervised by His Holiness. We want to obey You and our souls are thorned by confusion and sadness, because a holy religious order is being crumbled, its founders treated as guilty party without any clear accusation. Therefore we write You as our last hope.We know You have been informed that the Institute had reputedly taken a crypto-schismatic drift and that alleged misconducts have occurred. We firmly believe these charges are inaccurate and that the sources that provided You with these reports haven’t been describing the facts in an unbiased way.With this letter, we beg You, as children before their dad, to personally meet Fr. Stefano Maria Manelli and Fr. Gabriele Maria Pellettieri, Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate founders. We beseech You to at least offer these two men one hour of Your precious time, and if You’ll find they are obstinate sinners and not holy men of God, won’t they deserve Your mercy all the more so? But if You’ll find they acted bona fide, and if You’ll see that informations You’ve received are not true, will You restore their religious family? And will You concern about what’s happening to the Franciscan Sisters of Immaculate too?Dear Pope Francis,we’ve been learning to be happily puzzled and joyfully moved by Your actions and words. We hope You’ll surprise us again.We offer You all of our prayers, sufferings, good deeds.In Corde MatrisSIGN HERE
The Immaculate’s Committee appeal to the Pope

Here you are the appeal from the Immaculate’s Committee to the Pope:
“With Pope Francis in favour of the Franciscan Friars of Immaculate Founders ”
Prayer morning to support Franciscan Friars of Immaculate Founders – Rome, Largo John XXIII, 9-12 a.m., June 14, 2014.
The Immaculate Committee – made up and supported by laity belonging to Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix, Franciscan Third Order of the Immaculate and FFI and FSI relatives – has organized with delegates from several italian cities a prayer morning, on Sat. 14th of June, from 9 to 12 a.m., in Rome, Largo John XXIII, at the area between Castel Sant’Angelo Gardens and Piazza Pia.
The event is completely dedicated to Pope Francis, may He show us His merciful and paternal sight.
We as laity are broken-hearted for the suspension of the activities of the circles where we were spiritually trained by religious loyal to the Seraphic Marian charism.
Against the words of the few that inconsistently allege Fr. Manelli to be mentally ill and weak while at the same time skillful in maneuvering furtive schisms in lefebvrist disguise, lots of people like us witness his unswerving loyalty to the Church and Holy Father, as it is possible to check by reading his copious writings. In response to the thin group that self-anointedly wore the clothes of “saviours” of Holy Mother Church from imaginary schisms, building contradictory theories to support their allegations, we answer back with this prayer event, relying on mercy and openness to dialogue of Pope Francis.
The real issue at stake is not just to shut down a religious institute, it is to forbid religious and lay to continue to live their spiritual life according to the specificity of the Franciscan Marian Charism. Therefore we can’t stand aside and watch, and we appeal to the Holy Father to beg Him to give back to the people of God Fr. Stefano M. Manelli and Fr. Gabriele M. Pellettieri, so that they can offer their ministerial service, freely from the influence of those that don’t identify with their founders.
The male branch of the Institute has been affected by an unabridgeable gap. We are far from any judgement on personal choices, and with this prayer demonstration we ask the beloved Pope Francis to grant us His Holy Blessing to keep on in the line traced by the Seraphic Marian Path and publicly profess the Marian Vow, with approval and in perfect communion with Holy Roman Church, allowing everybody to follow the charism he prefers.
We trust in the Holy Father intervention, in His courage and wisdom coming from His ministry, placed in defense of the Truth. The very Truth we want to pursue constantly no matter what risks and renunciations we’ll have to face. With confidence we put the hope of our hearts in the hands of the Pontiff.

Here you are the appeal from the Immaculate’s Committee to the Pope:
“With Pope Francis in favour of the Franciscan Friars of Immaculate Founders ”
Prayer morning to support Franciscan Friars of Immaculate Founders – Rome, Largo John XXIII, 9-12 a.m., June 14, 2014.
The Immaculate Committee – made up and supported by laity belonging to Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix, Franciscan Third Order of the Immaculate and FFI and FSI relatives – has organized with delegates from several italian cities a prayer morning, on Sat. 14th of June, from 9 to 12 a.m., in Rome, Largo John XXIII, at the area between Castel Sant’Angelo Gardens and Piazza Pia.
The event is completely dedicated to Pope Francis, may He show us His merciful and paternal sight.
We as laity are broken-hearted for the suspension of the activities of the circles where we were spiritually trained by religious loyal to the Seraphic Marian charism.
Against the words of the few that inconsistently allege Fr. Manelli to be mentally ill and weak while at the same time skillful in maneuvering furtive schisms in lefebvrist disguise, lots of people like us witness his unswerving loyalty to the Church and Holy Father, as it is possible to check by reading his copious writings. In response to the thin group that self-anointedly wore the clothes of “saviours” of Holy Mother Church from imaginary schisms, building contradictory theories to support their allegations, we answer back with this prayer event, relying on mercy and openness to dialogue of Pope Francis.
The real issue at stake is not just to shut down a religious institute, it is to forbid religious and lay to continue to live their spiritual life according to the specificity of the Franciscan Marian Charism. Therefore we can’t stand aside and watch, and we appeal to the Holy Father to beg Him to give back to the people of God Fr. Stefano M. Manelli and Fr. Gabriele M. Pellettieri, so that they can offer their ministerial service, freely from the influence of those that don’t identify with their founders.
The male branch of the Institute has been affected by an unabridgeable gap. We are far from any judgement on personal choices, and with this prayer demonstration we ask the beloved Pope Francis to grant us His Holy Blessing to keep on in the line traced by the Seraphic Marian Path and publicly profess the Marian Vow, with approval and in perfect communion with Holy Roman Church, allowing everybody to follow the charism he prefers.
We trust in the Holy Father intervention, in His courage and wisdom coming from His ministry, placed in defense of the Truth. The very Truth we want to pursue constantly no matter what risks and renunciations we’ll have to face. With confidence we put the hope of our hearts in the hands of the Pontiff.
Petizione internazionale: “Papa Francesco, La preghiamo, incontri i Fondatori”
Partecipiamo anche noi alla Petizione
internazionale al Papa per i Francescani dell'Immacolata. Richiamo l'attenzione
sulla lettera del novizio pubblicata di seguito all'appello rilanciato anche da Antonio Socci dalla sua pagina
Facebook [qui]
Supplica al
santo Padre affinché voglia incontrare i Fondatori FI
Cari fratelli in Cristo, ecco a seguire una nuova
petizione internazionale indirizzata direttamente al nostro amato papa
Francesco. Domando a tutti voi di attivarvi numerosi per questa
Caro papa Francesco, siamo cattolici
provenienti da diversi continenti, con eredità differenti, come anche differenti
sono i cammini spirituali. Siamo accomunati dall'obbedienza all'autorità
religiosa, dalla passione per la Madonna, l'imitazione di san Francesco e
l'amore per Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo.
Abbiamo ricevuto larghe benedizioni dal carisma
e dall'esperienza dei frati Francescani dell'Immacolata. Le nostre vite sono
cambiate, i nostri cuori battono quando vedono quegli abiti celesti, il nostro
desiderio ardente è la santità e la diffusione del sovrabbondante amore del
Misericordiosissimo Cuore di Gesù. Sappiamo che è stato Lei a permettere e
sovrintendere al commissariamento dei FFI.
Noi vogliamo obbedirle ma le nostre anime sono
come strette tra spine di confusione e tristezza perché un fiorente Ordine
religioso si sta sgretolando, i suoi Fondatori vengono trattati come la parte
colpevole senza che vi sia nessuna accusa chiaramente dimostrata. Per questo noi
Le scriviamo come alla nostra unica speranza. Sappiamo che Lei è stato informato
del fatto che l'Istituto ha preso una deriva cripto-scismatica e che,
all'interno di questo, vi è stata un cattivo governo (amministrazione) e cattivi
comportamenti. Crediamo fermamente che queste accuse sono imprecise e che le
fonti che Le stanno fornendo queste informazioni non sanno descrivendo i fatti
in modo imparziale.
Con questa lettera noi La preghiamo, come figli
davanti al loro padre, di incontrare personalmente padre Stefano M. Manelli e
padre Gabriele M. Pellettieri, i fondatori dei Francescani dell'Immacolata. La
supplichiamo almeno di offrire a questi due uomini un'ora del Suo prezioso e
tempo e se si renderà conto che si tratta di due ostinati peccatori e non veri
uomini di Dio, non meriteranno per questo ancor più la Sua
Ma se troverà che hanno agito in buona fede e
si renderà conto che le informazioni che ha ricevuto non erano vere, restaurerà
la loro famiglia religiosa? Si preoccuperà anche di quello che sta succedendo
alle Suore Francescane dell'Immacolata?
Caro Papa Francesco, stiamo imparando a
sentirci felicemente sorpresi e commossi dalle Sue azioni. Speriamo che Lei ci
possa sorprendere ancora. Offriamo per Lei tutte le nostre preghiere, sofferenze
e buone opere. In Corde Matris.
PS: il responsabile del sito ha proposto di
scrivere all'inizio, prima di proporre la supplica al Papa, che quella che segue
è una petizione rivolta al santo Padre e si tratta di un'iniziativa lanciata dal
sito anglofono tradotta in italiano in
modo da permette un'adesione anche trai fedeli in Italia.
L'adesione consiste nell'invio del testo
firmato o all'indirizzo email della Segreteria di Stato: oppure a quello della Sala Stampa vaticana:
Sono il novizio che ha partecipato all'incontro del pontefice con i F.I.
A seguito di alcune ricostruzioni false passate
alla stampa da una fonte "interessata" ad accreditare una certa visione dei
fatti (una mia uscita dai F.I. stessi dovuta a una presunta contrarietà al
Concilio Vaticano II), voglio solo testimoniare la verità:
- al Santo Padre, rimanendo in ginocchio e con
molta emozione, ho detto: “Santità, come un figlio al padre: la prego il mio
cuore è lacerato, abbiamo bisogno di pace, parli con padre Stefano Manelli.”.
Poi mi sono alzato e ho detto: “Prego e soffro per Lei”. Il Santo Padre ha
annuito ma non ha detto nulla;
- al padre maestro ho motivato la mia uscita,
parlandogli in coscienza e con cuore aperto, di un forte malessere fisico e
mentale e di preoccupazioni di ordine spirituale per la drammatica situazione
conflittuale nell'Istituto, e la mia sfiducia in una risoluzione positiva di
questa vicenda. Ho parlato chiaramente con il padre maestro in questi mesi
difficili, e ci siamo lasciati con un abbraccio di pace, con un augurio di
ritrovarci in tempi migliori, e con promesse reciproche di preghiere.
In fede Matteo Momi