Dr. Alcuin Reid, the well known liturgical scholar, author of The Organic Development of the Liturgy recently spoke at the Toronto Oratory this past Wednesday, February 18th, as part of their "Wednesday Evenings at the Oratory" series.
The paper delivered was Continuity or Rupture: The Second Vatican Council’s Reform of the Liturgy - Some Preliminary Questions. The basic question approached is as follows: "Was the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council a rupture or was it in continuity with the liturgical tradition of the ages?" The question is not new, but it is one which has stirred some quite strong responses both for and against in recent decades and not always where one might expect. Consider for example the thought, quoted by Reid, that
The real radicalism of the 1960’s was represented by the revolutionary reforms of Vatican II. Breaking with a tradition that stretched back almost 1300 years...READ...