To all of you wonderful priests who are trying to be the best Catholic priests possible, there are still thousands of attacks from the devil and at times people to get us to sin. Please take the time it takes to read and praying about this article. It will hopefully help us do everything possible to never fall into mortal sin, or even worse yet, offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in mortal sin. This exhortation is from St. Alphonsus Liguori.
For you wonderful people who love the Latin Mass because it protects the sacredness of Jesus in His humble presence in the Holy Eucharist, copy this article and give it to every priest you may know. It is clear, the priest knows it is the truth and you may be able to help priest not be eternally chastised for a sinful life for all eternity with the devil in hell.
This whole article helps us see how sacred the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass really is. It would be good to copy and distribute to friends who are not sure about the Latin Mass. 
How Great is the Crime of the Priest that Celebrates Mass in Mortal Sin read...