sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

DIFUSÃO DA SANTA MISSA GREGORIANA NO MUNDO...albúm de fotos que falam por si

Septuagesima Sunday in Kinkora, Ontario

Here are some photos from Saint Patrick Catholic Church in Kinkora, Ontario, Canada. The priest is Father Paul Nicholson, a diocesan priest for the London diocese.

Thanks to Mr. Carl Vanderwouden for providing these wonderful photographs.


God Smiles on the Usus Antiquior

From Mr. John Sonnen at Orbus Catholicus Secundus. Click here and here and here for some really great images from the Gesu e Maria.


Church of Gesu e Maria, Rome


His Excellency, Archbishop Anthanasius Schneider, Church of Gesu e Maria, Rome.

Thanks to Mr. Sonnen at Orbis Catholicus Secundus.

Requiem Mass for All Souls, Brighton, England

Fr. Raymond Blake of St. Mary Magdalen's, Brighton, England

History in the making: Pontifical Solemn Mass in St. Peter's Basilica, Rome

The first Pontifical Solemn Traditional Latin Mass offering is St. Peter's Basilica since 1969!

(Images, courtesy The New Liturgical Movement. Please frequent their excellent blog and visit their sponsors.)

Absolutely stunning!

The Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in Cebu, Philippines with the Franciscans. Offered by Fr. Joseph Skelton, Jr.

Thank you, Father!

Cork City, Ireland

Ss. Peter and Paul’s, Cork City, Ireland. Full treatment at the New Liturgical Movement, here.


Boston College

Traditional Latin Mass sponsored by the Thomas More Society of Boston College, Celebrated in St Mary's Chapel by Fr Agustin Anda, assisted by Fr. Gary Gurtler, S.J.. Chant choir Schola Amicorum, from the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. Feast of St Michael the Archangel. Acolytes Philip Micele, Michael Williams


FSSP in Ars, Mass offered by Bishop Brouwet

From the New Liturgical Movement: His Excellency Nicolas Brouwet, auxiliary bishop of Nanterre; Low Mass for a bishop at the high altar in Ars, before the incorrupt body of St Jean-Marie Vianney.


Solemn Mass and Enclosure at Elysburg Carmel


Mass at St Erik’s Cathedral in Stockholm

From Rorate Coeli.

Carmelites of Elysburg, PA

The Carmelites of Elysburg, PA

The new foundation of Discalced Carmelites nuns in Elysburg was founded due to the overflowing number of vocations to the Discalced Carmelites in Valparaiso, Nebraska. The incredible growth of traditional Catholic communities and orders is an indication as to the future of the Catholic Church.


Pontifical Solemn Mass for the Feast of the Sacred Heart

His Excellency, Francois Gayot, Archbishop Emeritus of Cap-Haitien, Haiti.

Pontifical Solemn Mass for the Feast of the Sacred Heart, New York City, St. Jean Baptiste Catholic Church, 2010. Images, courtesy The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny.

Trinity Sunday in South Bend, Indiana

These images were taken at St. Patrick Catholic Church in South Bend, IN. Fr. George Gabet, FSSP, is the chaplain for the St. Mother Theodore Guerin Traditional Latin Mass Community of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. St. Patrick Catholic Church is the mission church of the Community.

St. Patrick Catholic Church
309 S. Taylor Str.
South Bend, IN 46601
Pastor: Fr. Leonard Chrobot
Chaplain: Fr. George Gabet, FSSP