Our Eucharistic Love
Eucharistic Life
According to the examples of the Saints
According to the examples of the Saints
Chapter 2 - Jesus For Me
- Holy Mass is the Sacrifice of the Cross
- Daily Holy Mass
- Active and Fruitful Participation
- Holy Mass and the Souls in Purgatory
Chapter 3 - Jesus In Me
- Holy Communion: Jesus is Mine
- The Purity of Soul Necessary for Holy Communion
- Holy Communion with Mary
- Thanksgiving After Holy Communion
- The Bread of the Strong and Viaticum for Heaven
- Every Day With Him
- Spiritual Communion
Chapter 4 - Jesus With Me
Chapter 5 - The One Who Gives Us Jesus
Chapter 6 - The Bread That Our Heavenly Mother Gives Us
Chapter 7 - Prayers Before The Blessed Sacrament
- Holy Communion:
- Holy Communion With Mary
- Before The Holy Eucharist:
The Visit to the Blessed Sacrament
Spiritual Communion
Visit to the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Leonard of Port Maurice: The Hidden Treasue of the Holy Mass
by St. Leonard-Port Maurice
Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur, 1890
In the world you will have affliction. But take courage,
I have overcome the world.
------- JOHN 16:33