Abuses within the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate? Come on….
Most people are already familiar with the harsh treatment dealt out to this young, thriving, orthodox congregation, the FFI, who have the “Mass of the Ages” (the Tridentine Mass) at the centre of their vocation. A petition requesting the dismissal of Father Volpi (the Commissioner placed to “sort them out”), whose intervention is apparently causing havoc and great distress to the members of the FFI, was signed by many of us. For those that have not done so yet, you can find that here: http://www.corrispondenzaromana.it/firma-per-chiedere-le-dimissioni-di-padre-fidenzio-volpi/
[Come on]…..this affair has become a festering wound that is in dire need of sound medical attention if it is not to develop into a full blown infection.
I suspect that we will never learn the full story of who did or said what but I am certain of one thing, Pharasaic hypocrisy is in the air.
Just what is the FFI Order supposed to have done?
What foul offence have they committed?
Celebrating too many Masses in the Extraordinary Form?
Not paying enough attention to the Ordinary Form? Whatever.
It pales into insignificance in comparison with clown Masses, ad lib liturgy, nuns and priests who openly disregard the teachings of HMC and, Catholic Funds being invested in porn publishing houses…what next?
Maybe…….funds being diverted into abortuaries to support those medical teams and counsellors so intent upon destroying life in the womb?
German and Austrian Catholicism seems to be in total meltdown and yet, the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have been singled out and an ‘outside’ regime installed curtailing the celebration of ‘the Mass of all Time’, ordinations and apparently closing several of their communities.
An Order that, less than two years ago was feted as being the model of reverence and piety, is now seemingly hounded relentlessly while those who flaunt Catholic doctrine go free.
There are many posts on this affair but I particularly like Donald McClarey’s at The American Catholic
St Maximillian Kolbe – Pray for the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate
Pray for us.
Cardinal Raymond Burke has been a firm advocate of the
Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate in the past
Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate in the past
I suspect that we will never learn the full story of who did or said what but I am certain of one thing, Pharasaic hypocrisy is in the air.
Just what is the FFI Order supposed to have done?
What foul offence have they committed?
Celebrating too many Masses in the Extraordinary Form?
Not paying enough attention to the Ordinary Form? Whatever.
It pales into insignificance in comparison with clown Masses, ad lib liturgy, nuns and priests who openly disregard the teachings of HMC and, Catholic Funds being invested in porn publishing houses…what next?
Maybe…….funds being diverted into abortuaries to support those medical teams and counsellors so intent upon destroying life in the womb?
German and Austrian Catholicism seems to be in total meltdown and yet, the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have been singled out and an ‘outside’ regime installed curtailing the celebration of ‘the Mass of all Time’, ordinations and apparently closing several of their communities.
An Order that, less than two years ago was feted as being the model of reverence and piety, is now seemingly hounded relentlessly while those who flaunt Catholic doctrine go free.
There are many posts on this affair but I particularly like Donald McClarey’s at The American Catholic
St Maximillian Kolbe – Pray for the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate
Pray for us.
There is a follow up on this subject (and the fine Cardinal Raymond Burke) on the same blog:
The crux of the matter is, without doubt, the Tridentine Mass – the sublimely holy and magnificent, true Mass of the Catholic Church down through almost 20 centuries. As one commenter points out: “…..[T]here are many members of the laity, I presume, who have been and are rightly expecting to continue to be, provided with the fully legitimate and ancient form of the Mass, the Vetus Ordo, which has been provided by the Friars, a Mass which they, the laity, must be provided with under Quo Primum and Summorum Pontificum.”