Summorum Pontificum. A hope for the whole Church
Siccardi ) What are
the lex orandi and lex credendi if not an ancient heritage that we receive today to
keep it young in its eternity? Tradition is a legacy in mind, ageless, as God is
The Tradition of the Church is gold and the gold can not undergo changes or
alterations, otherwise it would not be himself, and the only method suitable for
the gold polishing, to brighten the color and brilliance, this is the only
"development" in this Tradition.
Here then Cardinal Walter Brandmüller reminds to
contemporaries the words of Cardinal John Henry
Newman in his preface to the volume
Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI.
A hope for
the whole Church, in care of Father Vincent
Nuara OP (Faith & Culture, p. 170, € 13.00): " A true development, then, can be described as one
that preserves the set of previous developments, coinciding really with them and
being something beyond them. The additions that will make light, not obscure,
corroborates, not corrects the body of thought by which they are born and this
is his feature contrasting view of corruption "(p. 6).
True wonders of the Tradition of the Church is the
Holy Mass in Vetus
Ordo , that prior to the reform of
the liturgy after Vatican II. Actually it is more correct to call it Mass of all
time because, as he writes Mother Frances of the Franciscan Sisters of the
Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception, " if it is true that Pope St. Pius V Missal
promulgated following the Council of Trent, in reality did nothing but stare and
carefully circumscribe a ritual already in use in Rome for centuries.
It dates
back, in its essential elements, at least a thousand years before, precisely to
Pope St. Gregory the Great. Since the latter is also the name of the Pope, more
correct, but not exhaustive, of the Gregorian rite. Do not exhaustive because by
St. Gregory the Great (...) the rite dates back to apostolic times to finally
riannodarsi the Last Supper and the bloody sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ
which every Mass is constant resubmission and bloodless
actualization "(p. 93).
The sacred liturgy has never been and never can be,
Mother Frances said in his speech at the third conference organized by the Youth
and Tradition - now revived, along with
other measures, in the essay edited by Father Nuara - the expression of feelings
that the true test for God, " It is rather the
fulfillment by the faithful of his duty to God, he must express themselves in
accordance with the divine teachings. It is the so-called ius divinum , namely the right of God to be worshiped as He has
established "(p. 95).
Facing the Mass of all time is the attitude of the
faithful priest who is objectively different than the new
liturgy , in the words of Cardinal
Ratzinger, now Pope Emeritus " is even conceived etsi
Deus non daretur: as if it did not matter more if there is a God and if we talk
and listen to us. But if it no longer appears in the liturgy the
communion of faith, the universal unity of the Church and its history, the
mystery of the living Christ, where the Church is still in its spiritual
essence? Then the community is celebrating only itself, but
it's worth it "(p. 94).
The debasement of the Mass took
place through the desecration of the language used. During his speech at the conference Professor
Roberto de Mattei has shown that the Latin language is not anachronistic, who
accompanied the Church only in a certain period of history, but it is the
universal language of the Church and perennial and " in this sense, in spite of its current dimming,
belongs not only to the past but also the present and the future of the Church
itself. So
he called Sa Pius X: "The Latin language is rightly called and is the proper
language of the Church ' "(pp. 136-137).
True wonders of the Tradition of the Church is the Holy Mass in Vetus Ordo , that prior to the reform of the liturgy after Vatican II. Actually it is more correct to call it Mass of all time because, as he writes Mother Frances of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception, " if it is true that Pope St. Pius V Missal promulgated following the Council of Trent, in reality did nothing but stare and carefully circumscribe a ritual already in use in Rome for centuries. It dates back, in its essential elements, at least a thousand years before, precisely to Pope St. Gregory the Great. Since the latter is also the name of the Pope, more correct, but not exhaustive, of the Gregorian rite. Do not exhaustive because by St. Gregory the Great (...) the rite dates back to apostolic times to finally riannodarsi the Last Supper and the bloody sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ which every Mass is constant resubmission and bloodless actualization "(p. 93).
The sacred liturgy has never been and never can be, Mother Frances said in his speech at the third conference organized by the Youth and Tradition - now revived, along with other measures, in the essay edited by Father Nuara - the expression of feelings that the true test for God, " It is rather the fulfillment by the faithful of his duty to God, he must express themselves in accordance with the divine teachings. It is the so-called ius divinum , namely the right of God to be worshiped as He has established "(p. 95).
Facing the Mass of all time is the attitude of the faithful priest who is objectively different than the new liturgy , in the words of Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Emeritus " is even conceived etsi Deus non daretur: as if it did not matter more if there is a God and if we talk and listen to us. But if it no longer appears in the liturgy the communion of faith, the universal unity of the Church and its history, the mystery of the living Christ, where the Church is still in its spiritual essence? Then the community is celebrating only itself, but it's worth it "(p. 94).
The debasement of the Mass took
place through the desecration of the language used. During his speech at the conference Professor
Roberto de Mattei has shown that the Latin language is not anachronistic, who
accompanied the Church only in a certain period of history, but it is the
universal language of the Church and perennial and " in this sense, in spite of its current dimming,
belongs not only to the past but also the present and the future of the Church
itself. So
he called Sa Pius X: "The Latin language is rightly called and is the proper
language of the Church ' "(pp. 136-137).
Los verdaderos prodigios de la Tradición de la Iglesia es la Santa Misa en Vetus Ordo , que antes de la reforma de la liturgia después del Concilio Vaticano II. En realidad, es más correcto llamarlo Misa de todos los tiempos, ya que, como escribe Madre Francisca de las Hermanas Franciscanas de la Inmaculada Concepción Inmaculada Concepción " si bien es cierto que el Papa San Pío V Misal promulgado después del Concilio de Trento, en realidad, no hacía más que mirar y circunscribir cuidadosamente un ritual que ya están en uso en Roma durante siglos. Su origen se remonta, en sus elementos esenciales, por lo menos mil años antes, precisamente al Papa San Gregorio Magno. Puesto que este último es también el nombre del Papa, más correcto, pero no exhaustiva, del rito gregoriano. ¿Todavía no exhaustiva porque por San Gregorio Magno (...) el rito se remonta a los tiempos apostólicos para finalmente riannodarsi la Última Cena y el sacrificio sangriento de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que cada Santa Misa es una nueva presentación y actualización constante derramamiento de sangre "(p. 93).
La sagrada liturgia nunca ha sido y nunca será, dijo la madre de Frances en su discurso en la tercera conferencia organizada por la Juventud y Tradición - ahora revivido, junto con otras medidas, en el ensayo editado por el Padre Nuara - la expresión de sentimientos que la verdadera prueba de Dios ", es más bien el cumplimiento por parte de los fieles de su deber para con Dios, deben expresarse de acuerdo con las enseñanzas divinas. Es el llamado ius divinum , a saber, el derecho de Dios a ser adorado como Él ha establecido "(p. 95).
Frente a la Misa de todos los tiempos es la actitud del sacerdote fiel, que es objetivamente diferente de la nueva liturgia , en las palabras del cardenal Ratzinger, ahora Papa emérito " incluso está concebido etsi Deus no daretur: como si no importara más si hay un Dios, y si hablamos y escuchamos a nosotros. Pero si ya no aparece en la liturgia de la comunión de la fe, la unidad universal de la Iglesia y de su historia, el misterio de Cristo vivo, donde la Iglesia está todavía en su esencia espiritual? A continuación, la comunidad celebra sólo a sí mismo, pero vale la pena "(p. 94).
La degradación de la misa se llevó a cabo a través de la profanación de la lengua utilizada. Durante su discurso en la conferencia el profesor Roberto de Mattei ha demostrado que la lengua latina no es anacrónica, que acompañó a la Iglesia sólo en un determinado período de la historia, pero es el lenguaje universal de la Iglesia y perenne y " en este sentido, a pesar de su regulación actual, pertenece no sólo al pasado sino también del presente y del futuro de la Iglesia misma. Así que llamó a Sa Pío X: "La lengua latina es llamado con razón y es la lengua propia de la Iglesia ' "(pp. 136-137). (Cristina Siccardi)