Liturgical Reform Did Not Start with Vatican II
March 2011By Arthur C. Sippo
Arthur C. Sippo, a Contributing Editor of the NOR, is a physician and specialist in aerospace medicine who has written and lectured as a Catholic apologist for over thirty years. He writes from southern Illinois.
Cardinal Antonelli in St Paul's Grotto
Cardinal Antonelli during a moment of prayer in St Paul's Grotto
The Development of the Liturgical Reform: As Seen by Cardinal Ferdinando Antonelli from 1948 to 1970. By Nicola Giampietro.
Roman Catholic Books. 348 pages. $33.75.
Based on the doctoral dissertation of Fr. Nicola Giampietro, an official in the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, The Development of the Liturgical Reform offers an incisive history of the liturgical reforms before, during, and after Vatican II. Giampietro’s dissertation is based on the memoirs of the late Ferdinando Cardinal Antonelli, who was intimately involved in the liturgical-reform process initiated by Pope Pius XII in 1948, which culminated in the promulgation of a new missal by Paul VI in 1970. It is a standard academic work that the casual reader might find daunting, but it contains priceless information about the official liturgical reforms in the Catholic Church over the past