quinta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2012

Pontifical Mass in Copenhagen # CARTA ENCÍCLICA DO PAPA PIO XII HUMANI GENERIS SOB... # A CRUZADA DO SÉCULO XX de Plinio Corrêa de Oliveir... # Cardeal Siri: PIO XII A 25 ANNI DALLA SUA MORTE Di... # Respuestas del Cardenal Castrillon Presidente Eme... # Interview with Cardinal Castrillón on the Motu Pro... # La messa in latino riempie la chiesa di Sestri

First images of the Pontifical Mass sung by the Bishop of Copenhagen, His Excellency Czeslaw Kozon (who had previosuly celebrated missa cantata in the usus antiquior), in his cathedral on 10 January 2010 have become available via Katolsk Tradition.

h/t: Rorate Cæli.
fonte:new liturgical movement