domingo, 8 de janeiro de 2012

Msgr. Ocáriz’s Serious Theological Lapsus Refuting an article in Osservatore Romano by the Vicar General of Opus Dei


Fernando Ocáriz Braña -a la izquierda en la fotografía- es Vicario General del Opus Dei. Nació en París el 27-X-1944. Realizó los estudios de Ciencias Físicas en la Universidad de Barcelona.

Obtuvo la licenciatura en Teología en la Pontificia Universidad Lateranense (1969) y el Doctorado en la Universidad de Navarra en 1971, año en que fue ordenado sacerdote.
Es autor de numerosas publicaciones filosóficas y teológicas en el ámbito de la Filosofía de la Historia y de la Cristología.

Desde 1986 es consultor de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe Miembro de la Pontificia Academia Teológica Romana desde 1989. Fue nombrado Vicario General de la Prelatura del Opus Dei el 23 de abril de 1994.

  1. 1.This December 2nd in Osservatore Romano, Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz Braña, Vicar General of Opus Dei and one of the periti of the Holy See in the ongoing theological discussions with the Society of Saint Pius X, published a substantial article titled “On Adhesion to the Second Vatican Council.” The work fully expresses the opinion, now dominant in some circles, of those who embrace Vatican II even in passages contested as being opposed to Tradition alleging some infallibility of the Ordinary Magisterium or an obligation of “internal assent” by the faithful, governed by the virtue of obedience.

Internal assent according to Msgr. Ocáriz

2.The illustrious prelate writes: “The Second Vatican Council did not define any dogma, in the sense that it proposed no doctrine with a definitive act. However, even if the Magisterium proposes a teaching without directly invoking the charism of infallibility, it does not follow that such a teaching is therefore to be considered ‘fallible’ - in the sense that what is proposed is somehow a ‘provisional doctrine’ or just an ‘authoritative opinion’. Every authentic expression of the Magisterium must be received for what it truly is: a teaching given by Pastors who, in the apostolic succession, speak with the ‘charism of truth’ .... with the authority of Christ’ ... ‘and by the light of the Holy Spirit.’ This charism, this authority and this light were certainly present at the Second Vatican Council; to deny this to the entire episcopate gathered to teach the universal Church cum Petro and sub Petro, would be to deny something of the very essence of the Church....”READ...