- I dedicate this book to Cardinal Schuster, one of the greatest monks of this century, because he gave me from God the love and faithfulness to that monastic ideal that was his life. Divo Barsotti, Priest.
- The Richness of the PrologueAusculta, o fili, praecepta magistri, inclina aurem cordis tui, et admonitionem pii patris libenter excipe, et efficaciter comple; ut ad eum per obedientiae laborem readeas, a quo per inobedientiar desidiam recesseras.
Listen, O my child, to the teachings of the Master, and incline the ear of your heart and accept willingly the rules of your loving father and with all your might fulfil them; so that you turn through the labour of obedience to Him from whom you withdraw through the sloth of disobedience.read...