quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2011

Rome Traditions: Annual Palazzo Massimo Mass . This year His Eminence Cardinal Burke was the guest of Prince Massimo and his family to celebrate a Missa Prelatitia at the main altar of the family chapel.

On main street in Rome is located the Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne, the home of the Roman family Massimo. It was here that on the morning of March 16, 1583 St. Philip Neri brought back to life the young Massimo boy, Paolo de' Massimi. The room where the miracle occured is now the family chapel of the miracle, which is open each year on this day for prayer and worship. This year His Eminence Cardinal Burke was the guest of Prince Massimo and his family to celebrate a Missa Prelatitia at the main altar of the family chapel. A wonderful Rome tradition which has survived the decades. Many thanks to Prince Massimo as well as to His Eminence, both zealous apostles.

Orbis catholicus