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Pope Benedict speaks to Germany's political leaders

Pope Benedict addressed members of the Republic of Germany’s federal parliament in Berlin Friday, reflecting that politicians should strive for justice, not success or material gain. Our correspondent in Berlin, Veronica Scarisbrick filed this report:
Upon arriving in Berlin on Thursday Benedict XVI pronounced the words “ I have come primarily to meet people and speak about God”.
And as he crossed the threshold of ...»

Pope Benedict addresses the Jewish Community

During the afternoon of the first day of his state visit to his native Germany, Pope Benedict met with some 15 representatives of the German Jewish Community.
The meeting took place in Berlin's Reichstag Building behind closed doors.
Here is the English translation of the full text of his speech:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am glad to be taking part in this meeting with you here in Berlin. I warmly ...»

Pope Benedict addresses the German parliament

On the first day of his state visit to his native Germany, Pope Benedict addressed the Lower House of the nation's parliament, the Bundestag. Here is the English translation of the full text of his speech:
"Mr President of the Federal Republic,
Mr President of the Bundestag,
Madam Chancellor,
Mr President of the Bundesrat,
Ladies and Gentlemen Members of the House,
It is an honour and a joy for me ...»

Fr Lombardi SJ: Pope is 'at home' in Germany

The director of the Press Office of the Holy See, Fr. Federico Lombardi SJ, spoke with Veronica Scarisbrick in Germany about his impressions of the beginning of Pope Benedict XVI's 4-day visit.
Audio and transcript of their conversation are below.
Fr. Lombardi SJ: My impression is very good. I think that the Pope is really happy with the way he has been received in Berlin by the highest authorities of ...»

Pope Benedict: words to journalists on Papal plane

Pope Benedict XVI, told accredited journalists on the Papal plane that he is joyful to be taking the message of Christ to his homeland. As is customary, at the start of an Apostolic journey, the Pope answers questions put to him by journalists who are travelling in his entourage. ...»