- Editor's Note: We are pleased to present a comprehensive expose of the liturgical revolution which the author, Kathleen Willet Redle, called "The Golden Calf Dancers." We have changed the title to "The Golden Calf Experiment" for dancing is merely a component of the experiment and that the entire bent is towards taking away attention from the One True God - Three Persons in the Blessed Trinity - Who alone must be worshipped. Many false idols today pose a threat and Kathleen shows here another insidious agenda that further corroborates that very fact in her multi-part essay. Today she illustrates the great battle for souls, reminiscent of St. John Bosco's and Pope Leo XIII's pertinent mystical visions in which satan is stirring the denizons of the deep in trying to totally capsize the Barque of Peter in these treacherous times.
- "The infrangible truth is that only Christ can bring true peace on earth if his social Kingship is restored- otherwise wars and rumors of wars will continue."
There are some who feel insulated from the liturgical Conciliar Church Revolution. There are also those within the neo-Catholic establishment who object to the word 'conciliar' or 'post-conciliar' thinking it is a word created by Traditional Catholics. Little do they realize that it was first introduced by one of the leading mutineers at Vatican II.
For evidence that the Post Vatican II fathers call themselves "conciliar" and that they recognize there is a crisis in the Church here is the following: Fr. Henri De Lubac S.J. stated at the Institute of Renewal in the Church at Toronto in 1967, "It is clear that the Church is facing a grave crisis. Under the name of ‘the new Church,’ ‘the post-conciliar Church,’ a different Church from that of Jesus Christ is now trying to establish itself; an anthropocentric society threatened with immanentist apostasy which is allowing itself to be swept along in a movement of general abdication under the pretext of renewal, ecumenism or adaptation." READ...
- Editor's Note: We are pleased to present a comprehensive expose of the liturgical revolution which the author, Kathleen Willet Redle, called "The Golden Calf Dancers." We have changed the title to "The Golden Calf Experiment" for dancing is merely a component of the experiment and that the entire bent is towards taking away attention from the One True God - Three Persons in the Blessed Trinity - Who alone must be worshipped. Many false idols today pose a threat and Kathleen shows here another insidious agenda that further corroborates that very fact in her multi-part essay. Today she continues with the second installment on the seeds of revolution despite the clear warnings of Heaven and past Popes. Prayer and resistance are the only resolution to countering the revolution that has so savaged not only society, but our beloved Church.

In my first installment Tossed To and Fro I referred to the turbulent seas the Church is sailing through today and the prophecies of Anne Catherine Emmerich as well as the vision of Pope Leo XIII. One might ask, with those omens, why would the Barque of Peter continued to sail into treacherous waters? I believe the answers are fully contained from the journey of the chosen people of the Old Covenant and in historical annals of salvation history. In other words, we don't learn from our mistakes.
The hierarchy needs to understand what historically revolutions do to the revolutionaries themselves as apparently they are unmoved by what it does to the "people of God." Thomas Cromwell, Leon Trotsky, Maximilian Robespierre, were all masterminds of revolution (religious or political) and fell victims of their own plots or as they say hoisted by there own petard. They were all killed by the very Revolutions that they spearheaded. Revolution is a terrible thing and destroys peoples lives and souls.
For example the great early 20th century Catholic historian Hilaire Belloc tells us in Characters of the Reformation that
- "Cromwell was not only the lay head of the country - a despotic minister with absolute power doing what he willed- but he was also the spiritual head, for Henry (XIII) delegated to him all his own spiritual power. And Cromwell exercised that spiritual power...He made the Bishops understand that they were nobodies compared with himself,...in 1535 a reign of terror, which was inaugurated by the arrest and at last the execution of very highly placed people, laymen and clerics who withstood the schism: the other was the dissolution of the monasteries."

Although, I suppose when the pope praises Martin Luther, the guy in the pew figures that those martyrs in England and Germany who spilled there blood for the Catholic faith died in vain. They did not realize the advantages to modern religious syncretism and ecumenism that we currently enjoy under aggiornamento. Some may think its better to say "my gods OK, your god's OK" instead of sticking out there necks for the truth but Christ said no greater love has a man than to lay down is life for a friend. Jesus is more than a friend He is our master and our God. If we will not live and die for Him then we are not worthy to enter into the kingdom of Heaven but to be sent to the lake of fire where there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth for all eternity. After we meditate on that possibility, martyrdom is not such a terrible thing but rather something the great Saints like Fr. Maxmillian Kolbe prayed for.
But I have digressed. Getting back to Thomas Cromwell, Belloc points out in his book that Cromwell was arrested in 1540 because of bad advise to the King in his match to marry Ann of Cleaves so he was condemned to death. When Cromwell mounted the scaffold Belloc tells us "But when he was face-to-face with death and had to deal with it somehow he admitted Catholic truth and confessed his acceptation of it."(p; 58 Belloc, Op site.) Somehow though I would rather be like St. John Fisher than like Cromwell.

- "Make it known to My ministers that given they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of My command, that they will follow him into misfortune. It will never be too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary."
- "many nations will disappear from the face of the earth," she said that "the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Blessed Virgin." "That which afflicts the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Heart of Jesus is the fall of religious and priestly souls. The devil knows that religious and priests who fall away from their beautiful vocation drag numerous souls to hell … The devil wishes to take possession of consecrated souls. He tries to corrupt them in order to lull to sleep the souls of lay people and thereby lead them to final impenitence."

- "We must remember that if all the manifestly good men were on one side and all the manifestly bad men were on the other, there would be no danger of anyone, least of all the elect, being deceived by lying wonders. It is the good men, once good, we must hope good still, who are to do the work of Anti-Christ and so sadly to crucify the Lord afresh ... Bear in mind this feature of the last days, that this deceitfulness arise from good men being on the wrong side." (The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World by Father Denis Fahey, Regina Publications, Dublin, first printed in 1935, p. xi.)
- "At the World Synod of Bishops in Rome this past October, the hot topic was collegiality — i.e., decentralization of authority in the Church. In our view, the most memorable words on the topic were spoken by Cardinal Ratzinger:
- "Being at the service of hope means to proclaim God with His human face, with the face of Christ. The world thirsts for knowledge, not for our ecclesial problems, but the fire that Jesus brought to earth."

Consider what the great and holy prophet of the 20th Century, Pope St. Pius X said in Pascendi Dominici gregis about decentralizing the Church,

The ad hoc committee of the then NCCB, which is now the reorganized - more 'centralized' - USCCB, came up with a bogus document titled "Always our Children" which was a wishy washy cave-in on the homosexual issue. If a Catholic has a homosexual child of course he must love him but not condone or accept his lifestyle. The truth of Christ to all those caught in sexual sin is, "Go and sin no more!" and "If you love Me, keep My commands." Is this the kind of gift we want to bequeath to our children? a continuation of the homosexual pederast scandal in the Church which is the result of an "anything goes sexual revolution" philosophy directed toward the laity and clergy with the "cunning force of a conspiracy". This is the result of an overemphasis on selfish humanist, Masonic education with no sense of Christian virtue or of self-denial and taking up our cross in penance. Penance is the call of our Lady of Fatima.
It is never too late for God's mercy but we must be reminded because of our concupiscence of His justice and righteous anger over mankind's demonstrations of arrogance and wickedness. We like to be tempted by the cunning serpent to think we are like God so we play God with such things as birth control, abortion, euthanasia, cloning, and genocide. It is time for Christians to stop acting like pagans and get back to examination of conscience, the sacrament of confession, and penance so that we can have a true conversion to Christ and a successful battle with the sins of the flesh, the world and the devil. Only, if we do this will be able to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist with spiritual life instead of spiritual suicide. We need heroic virtue in these times which try men's souls.
Oh, and I think you feminists know out there, speaking the English language, that this includes you also. The feminists attempt to destroy by lobbing for inclusive language, liturgical dance, (which I will cover in depth in the next installment) and women priests. By their warped insistence of inclusive language they further corrupt translations of the Bible in the vernacular and feminize the male hierarchy. They are against traditional male and female rolls and traditional language and seek to paganize the Mass. These amazons are feminizing and revolutionizing the Church while the The Church Impotent according to Leon J. Podles is becoming empty of real men. Those feminists such as Rosemary Radford Ruether, Mary Daly and Monica Hellwig are disdainful of our Blessed Mother's perpetual virginity and hold purity up to ridicule. This is part of the Hegelian/Marxist dialectic and conflict at work again, as the feminist play men against women in practice and theory. This is not Christian and we must refuse to read these inclusive language bibles and lobby for the orthodox practice of no females on the altar during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We should seek out Churches that not only follow this tradition of male altar servers, but that follow the traditions of the Mass immemorial as said in Latin.
Unfortunately, too many modern precedents have been set for John Paul II allowed altar girls after pressure, read outright disobedience by his bishops. But Pope Benedict XIV stated,

This very fact is emphasized by Pius XII in Mediator Dei sec. 93:
- "The unbloody immolation at the words of consecration, when Christ is made present upon the Altar in the state of a victim, is performed by the priest and by him alone, as the representative of Christ and not as the representative of the faithful. But it is because the priest places the divine victim upon the Altar that he offers it to God the Father as an oblation for the glory of the Blessed Trinity and for the good of the whole Church. Now the faithful participate in the oblation, understood in this limited sense, after their own fashion and in a twofold manner, namely, because they not only offer the sacrifice by the hands of the priest, but also, to a certain extent, in union with him. It is by reason of this participation that the offering made by the people is also included in liturgical worship.."
In order to offset the current revolution which has so insidiously infiltrated Holy Mother Church in the latter half of the 20th Century. We need to return to tradition as St. Vincent of Lerins said,
- "What then should a Catholic do if some portion of the Church detaches itself from communion of the universal Faith? What choice can he make if some new contagion attempts to poison, no longer a small part of the Church, but the whole Church at once, then his great concern will be to attach himself to antiquity (tradition) which can no longer be led astray by any lying novelty."
In my next installment we will return to the feminist factor and how pagan practices have slithered their way into the modern liturgy and the snake charmers are none other than some of these bishops who allow the serpent to wriggle and writhe in the holy of holies. Blasphemy at its worst.
- NEXT: Part Three Dancing Up a Storm!