Father Luke Zimmer, SS.CC.
Eternal Father, we offer to You, through the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary and the Just Heart of Joseph, in the Holy Spirit, the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in union with each Mass celebrated today and every day until the end of time.With Mother Mary, St. Joseph, each Angel and Saint in Heaven, each person in Purgatory, each person in the Body of Christ and the family of God, we offer each act of love, adoration, praise and worship. We offer each act of thanksgiving for blessings, graces and gifts received. We offer each act of reparation for sins that have been, are being and will be committed until the end of time. And we offer each act of intercessory prayer. We offer all of these prayers in union with Jesus in each Mass celebrated throughout the world, throughout all time. READ...