They were stonewalled, however, by Paul's operatives in the persons of Annibale Cardinal Bugnini, considered the 'architect' of the New Mass who was a known mason and admitted Marxist, and Paul's Secretary of State Jean Cardinal Villot, the progressive modernist from France. The group of dedicated prelates, priests and theologians completed a Critical Study of this New Order of the Mass two months later on June 5th - the Feast of Corpus Christi. Because of the stonewalling, they were not able to present it for another three and a half months. They did so on the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel - September 29, 1969. It was met with ennui by the Holy Father and his operatives.
Paul VI had painted himself into a corner by listening to Bugnini and Villot who were merely the puppets of the alliance of progressive, modernist theologians and prelates - many of whom Pope Pius XII had exiled and censored for their lack of solid doctrine. This included Angelo Cardinal Roncalli and Giovanni Cardinal Montini whom went on to become Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI. This alliance, largely from Germany, Belgium, Holland, Austria, France and a collection of malcontents from Italy and America, was composed largely of men like Karl Rahner,S.J., Hans Kung, S.J., Hans Uns von Balthazar, Teilard de Chardin, Yves Congar, O.P., Gerard Philips, Walter Kasper, Joseph Ratzinger, Johannes Willebrands, Edward Schillebeeckx, Henri de Lubac, Christopher Basil Butler, O.S.B., John Courtney Murray, S.J., Bishop Zauner of Linz, Austria, Julius Cardinal Dopfner, Eugene Cardinal Tisserant, Giacomo Cardinal Lercaro, Joseph Cardinal Frings, Bernardus Cardinal Alfrink, Leo Cardinal Suenens, Franz Cardinal Konig, Paul-Emile Cardinal Leger, Paul Cardinal Richaud, Giovanni Cardinal Urbani, Francis Cardinal Spellman, Albert Cardinal Meyer, Augustine Cardinal Bea, and most of Paul's curia. This included Michael Cardinal Browne, O.P., vice president of the Theological Commission and John Joseph Cardinal Wright of America. These men deliberately sabotaged Ottaviani and the International Group of Fathers, which included Archbishop Marcel Lefebrve.
- Part One Introduction Part Two Chapter One
Part Three Chapter Two
Part Four Chapter Three
Part Five Chapter Four Part One
Part Six Chapter Four Part Two
Part Seven Chapter Five Part One
Part Eight Chapter Five Part Two
Part Nine Chapter Six and Seven
Part Ten Chapter Eight