How do you ignite love within your heart when you’re needing it in your life?
A deep love for yourself. An all-embracing love for others. For me, this song, Kyrie, easily ignites the spark within me to let love flow when I’m needing it. It’s a very powerful and sacred song. When I sing it or listen to it, I can picture love bubbling up within me, first flowing within me and then out into the world. Take a moment to read the Greek words and my English translation of them below. Then listen to the song here. As you hear the words, begin to feel the Love that resides within you awaken. Let it bubble up and flow, bathing your whole being.
As you feel Love flowing throughout your whole being, raise your hands to your heart, palms facing outward to the world, as in St. Hildegard’s Illumination, The Person in Sapphire Blue, shown here.
Sing along with the audio recording, if you’d like. Let your love flow out from your heart and hands to the world. To your family, to your friends, to your neighbors. Then, let your love continue to flow to your coworkers, your community, and beyond. Is there anyone who you don’t feel loving towards? Let your flowing love of the Creator dissolve this anger. Ask for divine guidance to show you how to love this person. Then let your love flow toward this person. Try this practice on a regular basis and discover how easily your Love can awaken and flow! ![]()
Lyrics Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. (English Translation) Creator of life, awaken love within us Christ of love, awaken love within us Creator of life, awaken love within us Creator of life, awaken love within us
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- E senti o espírito
inundado por um mistério de luz que é Deus e N´Ele vi e ouvi -A ponta da lança como chama que se desprende, toca o eixo da terra, – Ela estremece: montanhas, cidades, vilas e aldeias com os seus moradores são sepultados. - O mar, os rios e as nuvens saem dos seus limites, transbordam, inundam e arrastam consigo num redemoinho, moradias e gente em número que não se pode contar , é a purificação do mundo pelo pecado em que se mergulha. - O ódio, a ambição provocam a guerra destruidora! - Depois senti no palpitar acelerado do coração e no meu espírito o eco duma voz suave que dizia: – No tempo, uma só Fé, um só Batismo, uma só Igreja, Santa, Católica, Apostólica: - Na eternidade, o Céu! (escreve a irmã Lúcia a 3 de janeiro de 1944, em "O Meu Caminho," I, p. 158 – 160 – Carmelo de Coimbra)