What is Christian Mysticism?
What is mysticism? What is contemplation? How are they connected, and how do they relate to Christianity?
Read this post to begin to explore this ancient path of spirituality.
Read this post to begin to explore this ancient path of spirituality.
Why Mysticism Matters
What difference does mystical spirituality make? How can mysticism help you to grow spiritually, or to find a more meaningful inner life? What is the relationship between mysticism, holiness, and social justice?
Embrace the Mystical Life
What do mystics do? What does it take to begin, or sustain, a contemplative practice? How can you integrate the mystical path into your busy life?
The wisdom of the mystics (ancient and modern) shows us the way.
The wisdom of the mystics (ancient and modern) shows us the way.
Want to learn more about Christian mysticism? You've come to the right place.
We live in an age when many people say, "I'd rather be spiritual than religious." But what if there were a path where you could integrate the best of both worlds — the best wisdom and practices of a truly life-transforming spirituality, combined with the rituals, practices, and ethical aspirations of religion at its best?
Welcome to the path of Christian mysticism.
Christian mysticism is a dimension of spirituality which stresses a teaching that goes all the way back to Christ himself: "The kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21) — and, connected to that, even further back to the beautiful wisdom of the Psalms: "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10).
Every century since the time of Christ has been blessed with people who truly embody that "reign of God" in their hearts, and who have left behind poetry, wisdom, and teachings to help ordinary Christians to find their own path to the presence of God within — the "via mystica."
The content on this website is designed to help you learn more about the mystics — and to apply their wisdom to your life.