domingo, 1 de dezembro de 2019

How do you forma monastic heart?

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When you become a member of Monasteries of the Heart you receive free weekly practices that can help you develop a monastic spirituality—prayer, lectio (reflective reading), good works, study and community. You also receive free inspirational words each week from three monastic blogs, including one by Sister Joan Chittister. And you join a worldwide community whose members discuss meaningful issues and are intent on impacting the times.

How do you form
a monastic heart?
Each week we invite you to participate in the main elements of the living monastic tradition: prayer, lectio, good work, study and community. Regular and mindful attention to these practices can help form a monastic heart.
Scripture is often used for lectio, slow meditative reading, but lectio can be done with all of God's texts — photos, art, nature, poetry, music and experiences in your life.
Monastic prayer is steeped in the psalms, scripture and silence and, as St. Benedict urged, it should be brief.
Good Work
Good work—work that blesses all creation—is integral to monastic life. Monasteries of the Heart asks its members to focus its good works in three areas: Celebrate Beauty, Honor the Word, and Practice Nonviolence.
Community is of the essence of Benedictine life. In Monasteries of the Heart what is important is that we each be an extension of the gospel, of each other and of Benedictine spirituality.
Instruction on monastic spirituality and way of life is essential if members of Monasteries of the Heart are to carry forward and keep alive the ancient Benedictine tradition
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