domingo, 14 de outubro de 2018

Divo Barsotti And The Presence

He was a man curious of life and of the richness of other cultures but always focused on the only Presence that matters, the one of the Lord. He was the one saying: “It is laughable to think that Christianity was exchanged for an Institute that protects the established order. The Christian goes to God looking at Him and not seeing other than Him” (La Fuga Immobile, p 62, my translation).
Speaking about liturgy: “The word has to create something because the word of God is a creating word: the word of man has to obtain something, because the word of man is a plea; and what the man obtains, and what God creates is the Sacrifice, act of supreme love, total answer to the love divine: Jesus’ sacrifice” (La Messa, p 65, my translation).
About faith: “That is man, who realizes himself only with a God who realizes him completely, because he can give himself only to Him completely and on the other hand this complete self-giving presumes the presence of God in man’s life. But we will have to see all of this, because if faith is so important for Christianity it is not because we want to give something which is not essential to man’s life; indeed we will have to admit that living, for a man, means to live this faith. Completely realizing himself means for man to live this faith until the end, a faith that is a total self-abandonment to a God who totally communicates Himself, who gives Himself” (, translated by Marina Madeddu). Read...