Pontifical High Mass at Holy Cross Priory, Leicester
Below are some initial photographs from the Pontifical High Mass at the Throne celebrated by Bishop Malcolm McMahon OP in the Priory Church of the Holy Cross, Leicester for the feast of the Immaculate Conception. The Mass marked His Lordship's 10th anniversary of episcopal ordination, and after Mass the Shrine to the English Martyrs was blessed.

The photos are used courtesy of Michael Forbester, and the entire set is online here.

The photos are used courtesy of Michael Forbester, and the entire set is online here.
Further Photos from the Mass of Cardinal Bartolucci
As promised, further photographs from the Mass offered at Ss. Trinita in Rome by Domenico Cardinal Bartolucci, courtesy of John Sonnen.
The Mass was a Missa Prelatizia, or prelate's low mass.
The Mass was a Missa Prelatizia, or prelate's low mass.