quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2012

Gifts of the Magi and the Mass

Gifts of the Magi and the Mass

Matthew 2:6

According to the interpretation of St. Gregory the Great, the gifts of the Magi, on a moral level, signify the gifts we present to Christ in our daily lives (Hom. in Evan. 10). "Gold is Christ's wisdom, which shines in us, frankincense is the prayer and adoration we give him, and myrrh is our daily self-sacrifices" (Ignatius Catholic Study Bible)

There are many different ways that we can seek Christ's wisdom, offer him worship Him and sacrifice for Him. We can read and meditate on Sacred Scripture. We can pray in private or with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We can deny ourselves various things in our daily lives. The options are endless.

But there is no way more perfect for seeking wisdom, offering worship and adoration, and sacrificing for God than the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

In the Mass, we receive the wisdom of God through hearing of the Word of God in the Liturgy of the Word.

In the Mass, we pray both in union with the Church and with the mind of the Church in the Prayers of the Faithful.

In the Mass, we adore our Lord Jesus Christ, truly present, body and blood, soul and divinity, in the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

In the Mass we unite ourselves completely to Christ's sacrifice on the Cross.

Lord, help us to seek Your Wisdom more and more fervently.
Lord, help us to adore You more and more deeply.
Lord, help us to sacrifice for You more and more readily.
