Posted by Rob
It's fascinating that our friends who are running the Chant Workshop this weekend at St. Anthony's have decided to close the conference with a memorial Requiem Mass in honor of the great Pope Pius XII.
From what we understand the 4 pm Saturday afternoon Mass, celebrated by Fr. Robert Hewes, will feature the traditional black vestments. Certain customary prayers are omitted in a memorial Requiem, but otherwise it will be the standard sung Requiem with particular prayers added for a deceased pontiff.
Now, while I've never been a particular fan of black vestments and have come to appreciate over the years the fact that the liturgical reform gave us the option of wearing purple vestments for a funeral Mass instead, I do believe black or purple vestments are far more salutary and instructive to those attending a funeral Mass than the typical banal white vestments that we're all used to at the OF 'Mass of the Resurrection' for the deceased.
Like it or not, black or purple is a better reminder to us all that, despite the influence of the liberals and progressives all these years, Heaven is not guaranteed; Hell is still a reality, and Purgatory is a very real possibility for most of us.
So once again, kudos to the people running this conference, and we look forward to not only the Mass but also hearing pearls of wisdom from the new pastor of St. Matt's who will be offering this Mass, a priest known for his exceptional sermons.