0 Lady of Mental Peace, Mother of Tranquility and Mother of Hope, be with my brother ... in this time of trial. Let him feel God's love through your motherly embrace of his heart and through your healing touch on his soul. Let him know you are with him through the love that he receives from others and that he gives to others. Let every smile on the faces of others and on his own remind him of your glorious smile. Let every kind word spoken by others and by him remind him of your sweet voice. Let every gentle touch given by others and by him remind him of your blessed hand. Even if in just one small way, grace him with spiritual peace. Plant it in him as a seed that will eventually grow and blossom into fullness, and help him bring this same peace into the lives of others. Our Lady of Mental Peace, pray for us. Amen.
- E senti o espírito
inundado por um mistério de luz que é Deus e N´Ele vi e ouvi -A ponta da lança como chama que se desprende, toca o eixo da terra, – Ela estremece: montanhas, cidades, vilas e aldeias com os seus moradores são sepultados. - O mar, os rios e as nuvens saem dos seus limites, transbordam, inundam e arrastam consigo num redemoinho, moradias e gente em número que não se pode contar , é a purificação do mundo pelo pecado em que se mergulha. - O ódio, a ambição provocam a guerra destruidora! - Depois senti no palpitar acelerado do coração e no meu espírito o eco duma voz suave que dizia: – No tempo, uma só Fé, um só Batismo, uma só Igreja, Santa, Católica, Apostólica: - Na eternidade, o Céu! (escreve a irmã Lúcia a 3 de janeiro de 1944, em "O Meu Caminho," I, p. 158 – 160 – Carmelo de Coimbra)
quarta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2014
0 Lady of Mental Peace, Mother of Tranquility and Mother of Hope
0 Lady of Mental Peace, Mother of Tranquility and Mother of Hope, be with my brother ... in this time of trial. Let him feel God's love through your motherly embrace of his heart and through your healing touch on his soul. Let him know you are with him through the love that he receives from others and that he gives to others. Let every smile on the faces of others and on his own remind him of your glorious smile. Let every kind word spoken by others and by him remind him of your sweet voice. Let every gentle touch given by others and by him remind him of your blessed hand. Even if in just one small way, grace him with spiritual peace. Plant it in him as a seed that will eventually grow and blossom into fullness, and help him bring this same peace into the lives of others. Our Lady of Mental Peace, pray for us. Amen.