domingo, 2 de janeiro de 2011

* Il cardinal Ratzinger sull'antica liturgia HA DET... * Cardinal Ratzinger celebrating the Traditional Lat... * Cardeal Joseph Ratzinger, prefeito Emérito da Con... * Card. Ratzinger: : What happened after the Council... * ARTICLES ABOUT THE TRIDENTINE MASS * Uma interessante carta inédita do Cardeal Ratzinge... * Important 2003 letter of Card. Ratzinger about the... * Card. Ratzinger's 1988 Remarks to the Bishops of C... * It is, therefore, permissible to celebrate the Sac... * Pope denounces vile acts of death against Christia... * Noworoczna Msza papieska: tylko Bóg daje pokój, od... * Papst: "Attentate gegen Christen beleidigen Gott u... * Ángelus: el Papa califica de 'vil gesto de muerte'... * Angelus : Le Pape dénonce la stratégie de violence... * O atentado cometido na noite de Ano Novo, em Alexa... * Beato Card. J.H. Newman : l neo cardinale disse ch... * BENEDETTO XVI : Ieri mattina abbiamo appreso con d... * Dans sa lettre pastorale, Mgr Aillet, évêque de Ba... * Relacja z kolońskiej konferencji liturgicznej w He..