quarta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2013

Jesus : President Obama will fight on, feeling that he is in a moral crusade when really it is Satan who is pushing him.Satan loves weapons, suffering and death. All Satan needs is for America to release one missile and he will have access to the whole arsenal.


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President Obama will return home from the G-20 summit knowing how little support he has from the international community for military action against Syria.  When he arrives home, he will also see that his support is divided.  He will fight on, feeling that he is in a moral crusade when really it is Satan who is pushing him.
Satan loves weapons, suffering and death.  He sees that America has more weapons than anyone else.  He knows that if some of these weapons are released in a limited offensive that the attraction to use greater weapons will be too strong to resist.  All Satan needs is for America to release one missile and he will have access to the whole arsenal.  No one can predict what weapons will be used or not used.  Such is the seriousness of these choices.

15. People Helping Mary

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Even though I was the mother of God and the spouse of the Holy Spirit, it was the Father’s plan that I be helped by those who used the gifts of service. How I rejoiced when Elizabeth said, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb”. My heart was lifted up when the shepherds came to Bethlehem and recounted all that the angels had said to them. There was the prophecy of Simeon which guided me all my life. Jesus would be a light to the nations but my own heart a sword would pierce.
Most of all, there was Joseph. The Spirit guided him by dreams showing him to accept me as his wife even thought I was pregnant. By these dreams, Joseph took us safely to Egypt and then knew when to return to Israel. Even I needed others to help me by their gift of service. Everyone needs this help. When these gifts are unknown, set aside or even looked down upon, my people walk in darkness and fear. Many lose their way.
Let there be new spiritual lights, millions of lights of service placed in the hearts of all believers. Come, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can fashion a new world. Without the Spirit, only darkness and destruction are possible.