NLM Guest Report: Growth of the Usus Antiquior in Detroit
Detroit's Sweetest Heart of Mary Church hosted its first Extraordinary Form Mass in 38 years, a Solemn High Mass commemorating the anniversary of the death of its founding pastor, Fr. Dominik Kolasinski. The celebrant was Fr. James Miara from the Archdiocese of New York; the Deacon was Fr. Peter Hrytsyk of Windsor, Ontario's Assumption Church; and the Subdeacon was pastor Fr. Mark Borkowski. Fr. Borkowski intends for this to be the first of regular special occasion Masses in the Usus Antiquior at the parish.

First Solemn Mass in Decades and a look at a beautiful Gothic Revival Altar
Catholics gathered in joy and thanksgiving at Knoxville's beautiful Holy Ghost Catholic Church -- currently celebrating its centennial year -- to attend the city's first traditional solemn Latin Mass in the four decades since the newer vernacular Mass was introduced in the years following the Second Vatican Council.
I should evidently make note that the modern liturgy is not by any necessity a "vernacular Mass" and can likewise be in Latin. That caveat aside, to read the entire story, click here.
There are plenty of photos, here are a few below. The reredos looks quite spectacular in its gothic revival splendour and I wish to draw our readers attention to it. See the third picture down in particular.

Santa Croce, Rome
Casa Santa Lidia has put up some nice photos of the Solemn Pontifical Mass of Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos in Rome. Since we had not seen too many from the liturgy itself as of yet, I wanted to share them with you.
This church is that of Santa Croce al Flaminio in Rome, which includes a baldacchino over its altar -- one of my favourite features. This sort of architectural feature provdes one of the most dignified settings for the Roman altar and one which I hope we will see a greater revival of.

Beautiful Images from Heiligenkreuz Abbey
One of the monastic friends of the NLM who is a Cistercian monk within the famed abbey of Heilgenkreuz, Austria sent in these photos today. Now the photos come from Good Friday, but they are so spectacular, I cannot resist sharing at least a few of them.

(Ad orientem liturgicum)

(Incensing the relic of the Holy Cross)

(Many young faces here)

Latin Mass Melbourne publica imágenes de la Santa Misa Tradicional (Solemne) celebrada el 01 de noviembre, con motivo de la Festividad de Todos los Santos. El oficio se llevó a cabo en la Iglesia de St. Aloysius, Melbrourne (Australia). A continuación, más imágenes.