Il novello Sacerdote saluta i fedeli prima della S. Messa


Usus Antiquior at Seton Hall University
A reader sent in news of a Mass that was celebrated in the usus antiquior on February 9th at Seton Hall University in the newly renovated Immaculate Conception Chapel. (Readers may recall a story from April 2008 on the NLM of a similar Mass offered at this university, but in a temporary chapel.)
The Mass was offered by Father John Grimm of Immaculate Conception Seminary, with three of the four altar servers for the Mass being seminarians from the same seminary.
The NLM is told that the Mass is part of a series of Masses in the Latin language (in both forms, though primarily in the modern form of the Roman liturgy) that are being offered on Monday evenings at 6pm in the chapel. (It would be interesting to find out more about the other Masses, including whether ad orientem is being used.)
Two more usus antiquior Masses are planned.
The Mass was offered by Father John Grimm of Immaculate Conception Seminary, with three of the four altar servers for the Mass being seminarians from the same seminary.
The NLM is told that the Mass is part of a series of Masses in the Latin language (in both forms, though primarily in the modern form of the Roman liturgy) that are being offered on Monday evenings at 6pm in the chapel. (It would be interesting to find out more about the other Masses, including whether ad orientem is being used.)
Two more usus antiquior Masses are planned.

As has been commented upon the NLM in the past, it is always particularly gratifying to see the usus antiquior and reform of the reform taking place within the context of academic institutions.
First Sunday Mass in the Usus Antiquior at Mariawald [Update]
Via NLM friend Martin Bürger of exsultet.net comes the following, very encouraging report about the first Sunday conventual Mass in the usus antiquior of the Trappists at Mariawald Abbey from the Aachener Zeitung, a local German newspaper (NLM translation; if you have missed the previous articles about Mariawald, click on the respective label below):

First Tridentine Mass in Mariawald Monastery
Usus Antiquior News from Poland
In the Franciscan church of St. Anthony in Poznań (Posen), H.E. Grzegorz Balcerek, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Poznań, sung Pontifical Mass on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the establishment of a regular celebration of Mass in the usus antiquior in Poznań. The Polish blog Pod Mitrą has excellent images of the occasion, of which here is a selection:

Also on Sunday, in the Church of the Holy Cross in Rzeszów, Fr. Sławomir Jarząb, who was ordained a priest on 30 May by H.E. Kazimierz Górny, the bishop of Rzeszów, celebrated a First Mass as a solemn Mass in the older use. Six others of the twelve priests ordained on 30 May also attended the Mass and imparted their new priest's belssing to the faithful. Nowy Ruch Liturgiczny has photos, here are some of them:
Usus Antiquior at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary
While visiting Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in the Archdiocese of St. Louis to give a workshop, St. Bonventure and the Thought of Benedict XVI, Fr. Damian Peter Fehlner of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, and rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, offered a Missa Cantata in the usus antiquior for the Kenrick seminarians in the School of Theology.
The schola was led by Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB, director of the Institute of Sacred Music, and the servers for the Mass were seminarians from Kenrick.
Kenrick Seminary offers Mass in the usus antiquior every other Friday, alternating with a Mass offered in Latin using the modern Roman liturgical books.
Some photos of this morning's Mass.
The schola was led by Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB, director of the Institute of Sacred Music, and the servers for the Mass were seminarians from Kenrick.
Kenrick Seminary offers Mass in the usus antiquior every other Friday, alternating with a Mass offered in Latin using the modern Roman liturgical books.
Some photos of this morning's Mass.

Photos by: James Netusil, Seminarian
Usus Antiquior in Cobh Cathedral

The good folks in the South of Ireland sent me in the following report and photographs coming from a recent Mass held in the, by now, well known Cathedral of Cobh.
"The Mass was a great success. About 400 turned up filling the nave when joined by the tourists who stayed to hear the Mass. The mixed age range of the congregation was noticeable.
"Some sixteen enthusiastic altar servers and acolytes turned up to serve the Mass. They ranged in age from 15 to 30. Four young men from Cobh were among the 16. These had been diligently trained by their Latin teacher, Brother Athanasius.
"The Lassus scholars from Dublin sang the O quam gloriosum to great effect and concluded with a Te Deum by Lassus."
"The Mass was a great success. About 400 turned up filling the nave when joined by the tourists who stayed to hear the Mass. The mixed age range of the congregation was noticeable.
"Some sixteen enthusiastic altar servers and acolytes turned up to serve the Mass. They ranged in age from 15 to 30. Four young men from Cobh were among the 16. These had been diligently trained by their Latin teacher, Brother Athanasius.
"The Lassus scholars from Dublin sang the O quam gloriosum to great effect and concluded with a Te Deum by Lassus."

Archbishop Burke Celebrates Pontifical Mass in the Usus Antiquior in Lourdes
Last Saturday, Feast of St. Marcus, Archbishop Raymond Burke, the Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, pontificated in the Extraordinary Form in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception at Lourdes in the context of the annual pilgrimage of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICRSS). As the Spanish blog Benedicámus Dómino reports, afterwards the Archbishop gave a talk and a Q&A session, and on the Sunday the Superior of the ICRSS, Gilles Wach, celebrated Solemn Mass, again in the Basilica, at which Archbishop Burke assisted.Here are some picture from Benedicámus Dómino, and also from Fr George David Byers's bloggingLOURDES.

Kenrick Seminary celebrates Solemn Mass (Usus Antiquior)
The NLM received word today that the seminarians at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis spent the day today in a workshop on the usus antiquior. The workshop began with a Solemn Mass offered at the old Kenrick Seminary Chapel (now the Cardinal Rigali Center), celebrated by Fr. Karl Lenhardt of the Institute of Christ the King -- who also recently celebrated the Sept. 14th Mass on EWTN with great excellence.
Here are some photos of the event.
Here are some photos of the event.

(Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB, led the schola)

(Note the rood loft)

For all the photos: photo album