First Usus Antiquior Mass Offered by Spanish Bishop
This 15th of January H.E. The Most Rev. Manuel Ureña Pastor, Archbishop of Saragossa, celebrated a solemn requiem in the usus antiquior in the parish church of Epila in his diocese. This is the first time a Spanish bishop has offered the holy sacrifice of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form in Spain since the promulgation of Summorum Pontificum. The Mass, which was also concluding the restauration works which had been carried out in the church, was attended by 1,200 faihtful, including various government representatives. The Misa de Réquiem by Mariano Rodríguez de Ledesma was sung. Msgr. Ureña had celebrated a burial according to the usus antiquior books in the same church last year, cf. NLM article here.

First Usus Antiquior Mass Offered at Thomas More College
Late in August we made mention here of the fact that Thomas More College in New Hampshire was introducing the usus antiquior into the campus liturgical life. This was to be inaugurated on October 7th, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.
In follow-up to that announcement, we are pleased to present some photos from that Mass.
In follow-up to that announcement, we are pleased to present some photos from that Mass.