Solemn Pontifical Mass , Rome
John Sonnen of Orbis Catholicus reports as follows:
Yesterday, the First Sunday of Advent, Solemn Pontifical Mass was sung in the Roman Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and the Martyrs by His Eminence the Cardinal President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei.
Mass was sung in the Chapel of San Bruno, a side chapel of the Basilica. The Mass was hosted by members of the parish Archconfraternity of Misericorida (Mercy) on the occasion of their annual celebration.
This basilica has been, since 1870, the de facto state parish of the Kingdom of Italy and now the Republic of Italy. The kings of Italy were wed in and buried from this church and to this day state funerals are still held here.
The basilica, which is named after the Beatissimae Virgini et omnium Angelorum et Martyrum, was actually built into the frigidarium of the Baths of Diocletian and also houses the tomb of Pope Pius IV Medici, of Trent fame. The Christianization of the former pagan baths with the construction of a church was one of the last projects of the great Michelangelo.
Some photos from the event:

A couple of details from some of John's photos:

Here is a rather nice detail of the vestment used by Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos yesterday. The quality and beauty of the embroidery is truly stunning.

Pontifical Mass and Vespers by Archbishop Raymond Burke in Artallo

This past weekend, the small town of Artallo, thanks to the intelligent foresight of its parish priest Canon don Marco Cuneo, witnessed the true glory of the Pontifical rites of the extraordinary form.
In fact, His Excellency Abp.Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, celebrated a Solemn Pontifical Mass and Pontifical Vespers for the feast of St. Sebastian, Titular Saint of the parish.
The concourse in terms of faithful and clergy from the whole Diocese of Albenga-Imperia and beyond was impressive and moving.
In fact, His Excellency Abp.Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, celebrated a Solemn Pontifical Mass and Pontifical Vespers for the feast of St. Sebastian, Titular Saint of the parish.
The concourse in terms of faithful and clergy from the whole Diocese of Albenga-Imperia and beyond was impressive and moving.

H.E. Msgr. Mario Oliveri, the Diocesan Ordinary, whose fatherly benevolence has become universally known amongst those who love the traditional rites of the Church, and who celebrated himself the Pontifical Mass from the throne in the E.F. in Imperia in October 2008, benignly conceded the use of the throne and pastoral staff to the visiting Archbishop.

Canons form the Collegiate, Cathedral and Metropolitan Chapters of Albenga, Imperia, Genoa and Milan attended the ceremony.

Thanks to Can. Cuneo's great liturgical competence and human kindness, we were able to enjoy the spendour of some of the most solemn ceremonies of the Roman Rite within the frame of the joyful, fervent devotion of a Catholic town to his Patron.

Thank you, Your Excellency! Ad Multos Annos!
N.B. Further details of the ceremony on and maranatha.
Archbishop Burke Celebrates Solemn Pontifical Mass in St. Louis
A Solemn Pontifical Mass was celebrated this past weekend by Archbishop Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, in his former archdiocese of St. Louis on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the St. Louis Carmelites of the Divine Heart of Jesus.
In addition to Archbishop Burke's own presence, the Superior General of the Sisters came from the Netherlands for the occasion.
The Assistant Priest for the Mass was Fr. Thomas Keller, the deacon of the Mass was Fr. Michael J. Houser, and the subdeacon was Fr Eric Olsen. The Master of Ceremonies was Rev. Mr. Anthony Ochoa.
Fr Samuel Weber, OSB, guided the Carmelites in their chant preparations for the Mass and the servers for the Mass were all seminarians from Kenrick-Glennon Seminary.
In addition to Archbishop Burke's own presence, the Superior General of the Sisters came from the Netherlands for the occasion.
The Assistant Priest for the Mass was Fr. Thomas Keller, the deacon of the Mass was Fr. Michael J. Houser, and the subdeacon was Fr Eric Olsen. The Master of Ceremonies was Rev. Mr. Anthony Ochoa.
Fr Samuel Weber, OSB, guided the Carmelites in their chant preparations for the Mass and the servers for the Mass were all seminarians from Kenrick-Glennon Seminary.

Pontifical High Mass at Holy Cross Priory, Leicester
Below are some initial photographs from the Pontifical High Mass at the Throne celebrated by Bishop Malcolm McMahon OP in the Priory Church of the Holy Cross, Leicester for the feast of the Immaculate Conception. The Mass marked His Lordship's 10th anniversary of episcopal ordination, and after Mass the Shrine to the English Martyrs was blessed.

The photos are used courtesy of Michael Forbester, and the entire set is online here.

The photos are used courtesy of Michael Forbester, and the entire set is online here.
More from the Pontifical Mass and Vespers by Archbishop Raymond Burke in Artallo
Readers will recall Nicola posting last week about the Pontifical Mass and Vespers by Archbishop Raymond Burke in Artallo.
The good folks at have informed the NLM that they now have made available a full photo gallery of high quality photos from the event.
Here is a small sampling.
The good folks at have informed the NLM that they now have made available a full photo gallery of high quality photos from the event.
Here is a small sampling.

Vesting Prayers

As a point of note, the assistant priest, seen in the cope to the left, is the delightful Msgr. Angelo Amodeo, Ambrosian Canon of the Metropolitan Chapter of the Cathedral of Milan

Prayers at the Foot of the Altar

Proclamation of the Holy Gospel (Note, to the right, serving, is the NLM's own Nicola de Grandi)


Communion; pictured is Dom Jehan, one of the founders of the new Benedictine foundation in Italy that came from Le Barroux and celebrates the usus antiquior

Solemn Pontifical Mass and Other Important Liturgical Events in New York
I was sent some excellent photos of the pontifical mass by Bishop Rifan at St. Jean Baptiste in Manhattan this last Friday for the feast of the Sacred Heart, as part of a conference on devotion to the Sacred Heart. As many of my friends in Manhattan were involved in some way in planning, serving at or at least attending this event, and St. Jean Baptiste a familiar haunt of mine, these photos are quite thrilling for me, even if perhaps they also bring up in me a pang of nostalgia for my (not-so-distant) days in the Big Apple.
The event appears to have been quite a success, and copious footage of the mass can now be found online, including this video of the entrance procession, featuring some stellar organ-playing, as well. This is courtesy of the website of the Confraternity of the Sacred Heart. More photos can be seen via the Society of St. Hugh of Cluny. I post some samples below.
The event appears to have been quite a success, and copious footage of the mass can now be found online, including this video of the entrance procession, featuring some stellar organ-playing, as well. This is courtesy of the website of the Confraternity of the Sacred Heart. More photos can be seen via the Society of St. Hugh of Cluny. I post some samples below.

Our vestment enthusiasts will be interested to note that the set used were from the sacristy of St. Jean Baptiste, while the vimpae belong to the Confraternity of the Sacred Heart and are the work of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles.
Fr. Zulhsdorf was also there and his website includes a number of other handsome photos, as well as some coverage of the mass in the Rite of Braga (!) said this Saturday as another part of this weekend's liturgical events at Our Saviour's, my former parish in New York, which also appears to have been quite well-attended.
To round out the weekend's events, Bishop Rifan celebrated Pontifical Vespers at the Faldstool at St. Mary's in Norwalk, Connecticut, another exemplary parish whose liturgies have been featured here in the past. More coverage of this can be found, once again, via the Society of St. Hugh of Cluny, with a schola directed by the inimitable David Hughes.

Bishop Peter J. Elliott, Pontifical Mass and Conference upon Benedict's New Liturgical Movement in Hong Kong
Recently, an NLM reader in Hong Kong sent in news of Bishop Peter J. Elliott's visit. There, Bishop Elliott gave a lecture upon the topic of the new liturgical movement and its growth. (The NLM will endeavour to acquire and publish this lecture, with the permission of Bishop Elliott.)

Following the lecture, Bishop Elliott also offered a Solemn Pontifical Mass.

Liturgical Continuity in Liguria - Pontifical Mass in Roverano
Liguria, the coastal region of north-western Italy with its capital Genoa, under the beneficial influence of that city's great Archbishop, Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, has in large parts preserved a spirit of continuity even while implementing the postconciliar liturgical reforms. In this spirit it is now also among the areas where the implementation of Summorum Pontificum is making its greatest advances, as we have seen, e.g., in the diocese of Albenga-Imperia. In this context, here are some pictures I have come across of a Pontifical Mass in the Ordinary Form recently celebrated by H.E. Msgr. Francesco Moraglia, Bishop of La Spezia-Sarzana-Brugnato, at the Marian Shrine of Roverano, in the province of La Spezia, the easternmost part of Liguria. Note that Mass is celebrated ad orientem on the original high altar, and that the Bishop is wearing a pontifical dalmatic as well as episcopal gloves (chirothecæ), two items of traditional liturgical vesture still permitted in the Ordinary Form, but today unfortunately mostly omitted.

Pontifical Mass for Centenary of Mariawald Abbey [Update]
As recently mentioned, Mariawald Abbey, the German Trappist abbey which last year had received the privilege conceded by the Holy Father of a complete return to the Liturgy and the Observance in use in the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (Trappists) until 1963/64, yesterday celebrated the centenary of its erection as a Trappist abbey with a Pontifical Mass sung by the abbot, Dom Josef Vollberg. Our friend Martin Bürger at EXSVLTET has photos.
Terce before Mass (in the choir you will see, in addition to the monks of Mariawald, Trappists from Oelenberg, the mother abbey of Mariwald, the abbot of the Cistercian abbey of Himmerod, Benedictines from Maria Laach, Salvatorians from Steinfeld, as well as diocesan clergy and seminarians of Aachen [Aix-la-Chapelle] and the FSSP; Trappistines from the nearby abbey of Maria Frieden were present in the nave):

Prayers at the foot of the altar (the assistant priest was Fr Franz Karl Banauch FSSP):





Terce before Mass (in the choir you will see, in addition to the monks of Mariawald, Trappists from Oelenberg, the mother abbey of Mariwald, the abbot of the Cistercian abbey of Himmerod, Benedictines from Maria Laach, Salvatorians from Steinfeld, as well as diocesan clergy and seminarians of Aachen [Aix-la-Chapelle] and the FSSP; Trappistines from the nearby abbey of Maria Frieden were present in the nave):

Prayers at the foot of the altar (the assistant priest was Fr Franz Karl Banauch FSSP):





Solemn Pontifical Mass in Liguria, Italy
Rinascimento Sacro has some beautiful images up from the Solemn Pontifical Mass offered this past weekend, celebrated by the ordinary, Msgr. Mario Oliveri, Bishop of Imperia (Liguria, Italy).
During the rites, seven Franciscan sisters of the Immaculate made their solemn profession.
A view of the complete set of photographs will show the presence of Msgr. Amodeo, an Ambrosian canon of the Cathedral of Milan, the NLM's own Nicola de Grandi, as well as many of the faithful servers from Ss. Trinita in Rome. It looks to have been a glorious occasion.
You can also expect to see more photos of the event from John Sonnen who was one of those at this event.
Here are a few select photos from the event. (All photos are from Rinascimento Sacro.)
During the rites, seven Franciscan sisters of the Immaculate made their solemn profession.
A view of the complete set of photographs will show the presence of Msgr. Amodeo, an Ambrosian canon of the Cathedral of Milan, the NLM's own Nicola de Grandi, as well as many of the faithful servers from Ss. Trinita in Rome. It looks to have been a glorious occasion.
You can also expect to see more photos of the event from John Sonnen who was one of those at this event.
Here are a few select photos from the event. (All photos are from Rinascimento Sacro.)

(The altar and faldstool where the bishop will vest and pray the vesting prayers)

(The bishop, prior to Mass, prays before the Blessed Sacrament.)

The Solemn Profession:

The Consecration:

More about the Pontifical Mass in Poznań, Poland

Monday I mentioned a recent Pontifical Mass in Poznań, Poland. The good folks of Nowy Ruch Liturgiczny have informed us that deacon of the Mass was Fr Andrzej Komorowski FSSP (working in Netherlands), and subdeacon Fr Grzegorz Śniadoch IBP and that Polish IBP and FSSP seminarians from Courtalain, Rome and Wigratzbad assisted. They also have published an English translation of the rather interesting homily preached at that Mass by H.E. Bishop Balcerek, which I reproduce here.
The Immaculate Conception: Pontifical Mass in Ss. Trinità, Rome
Pontifical Mass for the Immaculate Conception at Rome's personal parish for the usus antiquior, Ss. Trinità dei Pellegrini, was celebrated by Cardinal Franc Rodé C.M., Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. Here are some samples from the picture gallery at the parish's website:

Incidentally, last Saturday, Cardinal Castrillón, the President emeritus of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, conferred the sacrament of Holy Confirmation at the parish. You can view some photographs of that occasion here.

Incidentally, last Saturday, Cardinal Castrillón, the President emeritus of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, conferred the sacrament of Holy Confirmation at the parish. You can view some photographs of that occasion here.
Mgr Ranjith - Pontifical Mass - Blue Vestments
The connection is very poor and I am in Wigratzbad today, 31st of May.
Mgr Ranjith, Secretary to the Congregation for Divine Worship celebrated a pontifical mass and ordained eight new deacons. The feast of our Lady, BMV Reginae was celebrated in blue, an indult for Bavaria.
Some photographs of the event...

Mgr Ranjith, Secretary to the Congregation for Divine Worship celebrated a pontifical mass and ordained eight new deacons. The feast of our Lady, BMV Reginae was celebrated in blue, an indult for Bavaria.
Some photographs of the event...
Pontifical Requiem Mass on All Souls in New York City - and a Note from Belfast, Northern Ireland
News came from one of our New York readers of a Solemn Pontifical Mass for the Dead offered in New York City this past All Souls Day at Holy Innocents Church.
The celebrant will be familiar to many of you, Bishop James Timlin, formerly ordinary of Scranton, Pennsylvania -- a bishop who supported the FSSP in North America a great deal in their earliest days.
Pictures were provided by the Society of St. Hugh of Cluny.
The celebrant will be familiar to many of you, Bishop James Timlin, formerly ordinary of Scranton, Pennsylvania -- a bishop who supported the FSSP in North America a great deal in their earliest days.
Pictures were provided by the Society of St. Hugh of Cluny.

Music for the Mass was Victoria's Requiem which Aristotle Esguerra captured. Here are just two samples.
Summorum Pontificum Conference in Rome
While today's focus has been on a mixture of blogs not functioning and the public release of Universae Ecclesiae another event of note was happening today in Rome; namely, the beginning of the Summorum Pontificum conference which will culminate this Sunday in a Solemn Pontifical Mass at the Altar of the Chair in St. Peter's Basilica.
NLM's Gregory DiPippo in Rome is covering the conference. Here is a teaser photo for now, taken today at Solemn Vespers in Ss. Trinita. Gregory will have more photos and a full report on early next week.
NLM's Gregory DiPippo in Rome is covering the conference. Here is a teaser photo for now, taken today at Solemn Vespers in Ss. Trinita. Gregory will have more photos and a full report on early next week.
Of course, if you can't wait that long, John Sonnen also has some photos.
Francis Cardinal Arinze Offers Usus Antiquior in Providence
From one of our readers:
Francis Cardinal Arinze celebrated a Pontifical Low Mass in the Extraordinary Form today, Sept. 28, 2011, at the Church of the Holy Name of Jesus in Providence, RI. The administrator of this church is Fr. Joseph Santos whom you know from his celebrations of the Rite of Braga.
Solemn Pontifical Mass of Bishop Peter J. Elliott, Australia
One of our Australian priestly readers thought we here at the NLM might be interested to hear of a very splendid Solemn Pontifical Mass at the faldstool celebrated for the feast of Christ the King this year at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia.
The Celebrant was His Lordship, Bishop Peter Elliott, one of the Auxiliary Bishops of Melbourne and a liturgist of international renown of course -- being perhaps best known for his popular book, The Ceremonies of the Modern Roman rite as well as Ceremonies of the Liturgical Year.
The occasion was the conclusion of a three day pilgrimage made on foot between Ballarat and Bendigo. The Christus Rex pilgrimage, now in its 17th year, draws pilgrims from around Australia and from overseas. It was inspired by the Chartres pilgrimage, and seeks to witness to Christ our King and to pray for His reign. The traditional liturgy is celebrated throughout the pilgrimage.
Father thought we would be edified; I have no doubt he is right. [More to follow the pictures as regards the homily.]
(All photos are copyright the Christus Rex Pilgrimage organization:

The event looks like it was a very spectacular one. To see more photos of the Mass itself, please click on the thumbnails below:

Aside from the pictures, Bishop Elliott had some interesting comments in his homily on the social reign of Christ the King, which includes comments about Summorum Pontificum and a quick critique of an aspect of the new breviary which struck me as interesting.
The Celebrant was His Lordship, Bishop Peter Elliott, one of the Auxiliary Bishops of Melbourne and a liturgist of international renown of course -- being perhaps best known for his popular book, The Ceremonies of the Modern Roman rite as well as Ceremonies of the Liturgical Year.
The occasion was the conclusion of a three day pilgrimage made on foot between Ballarat and Bendigo. The Christus Rex pilgrimage, now in its 17th year, draws pilgrims from around Australia and from overseas. It was inspired by the Chartres pilgrimage, and seeks to witness to Christ our King and to pray for His reign. The traditional liturgy is celebrated throughout the pilgrimage.
Father thought we would be edified; I have no doubt he is right. [More to follow the pictures as regards the homily.]
(All photos are copyright the Christus Rex Pilgrimage organization:

The event looks like it was a very spectacular one. To see more photos of the Mass itself, please click on the thumbnails below:

Aside from the pictures, Bishop Elliott had some interesting comments in his homily on the social reign of Christ the King, which includes comments about Summorum Pontificum and a quick critique of an aspect of the new breviary which struck me as interesting.
Pontifical Mass of Cardinal Cañizares at Rome's Personal Parish for the Usus Antiquior
As mentioned earlier, the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera, today celebrated Pontifical Mass for the Feast of All Saints at Rome's personal parish for the usus antiquior, Santissma Trinità dei Pellegrini. First images are now available, once again by way of our friend John Sonnen:

Budapest Liturgical Conference: Solemn Pontifical Mass
The final in the series of liturgical images which I wish to bring you from Budapest you have already had a slight view of in preceding articles on the conference. They come from the Solemn Pontifical Mass celebrated in St. Teresa of Avila church.
There are a couple of interesting liturgical notes about this liturgy, so do read on.
There are a couple of interesting liturgical notes about this liturgy, so do read on.

(The church, which is quite large, was standing room only by the time the Mass actually began and one could sense great anticipation.)

(Taking place in the context of an international liturgical conference, the homily was delivered in Latin)

(The concluding prayers after Mass)
Two interesting notes of liturgical minutiae from the ceremonies of the Pontifical Mass.
One is that it was a pleasant surprise to see the use of the (now optional) pontifical buskins and shoes -- some of you may have picked up on this in the pictures. This is particularly rare to see in large part because of pragmatic considerations: shoes are a size specific matter, very particular to an individual bishop.

Cardinal Zen's Pontifical Mass and Vespers
Here at the NLM, one of the things we enjoy doing is reporting upon liturgical news from all reaches of the globe. So I was particularly pleased to receive a report from a reader from Hong Kong of Cardinal Zen's pontifical Mass in the usus antiquior:
In [Cardinal Zen's] homily, His Eminence linked the traditional liturgy and the hisotrical role it played in nourushing the the faith (Gospel of the Day spoke about Thomas the doubter) of so many faithful who have suffered during the years of hardship in China. And this is also the liturgical form that nourished his vocation and fostered the devotion and respect for the majesty of God in the Holy Eucharist.

Pontifical Mass in France; Spanish Baroque in Spain
Just a simple report on a couple of liturgical events that have recently caught my attention.
First, confirmations at the ICRSS apostolate in Montpellier, France performed by the Archbishop of that diocese, Msgr. Thomazeau, on the 18th of January. The event also included Solemn Pontifical Mass.
First, confirmations at the ICRSS apostolate in Montpellier, France performed by the Archbishop of that diocese, Msgr. Thomazeau, on the 18th of January. The event also included Solemn Pontifical Mass.

(Tip: Nowy Ruch Liturgiczny)
Next, in Spain, some photos for those of you who love Spanish baroque coming from the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany with the Fraternity of Christ the Priest. Here is one of them.

Benedictine Abbot Celebrates Pontifical Mass in the Usus Antiquior in Poland
One of our readers in Poland informs us that this past July 27th, Abbot Bernard Sawicki O.S.B. (Abbot of Tyniec Abbey, Cracow) celebrated a Solemn Pontifical Mass during a liturgical workshop, "Ars serviendi", which was organized by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter as well as other groups within the Archdiocese of Cracow in Bukowina Tatrzanska.
During the couree of the week, approximately 50 participants participated daily in Solemn masses and, wonderfully, sung Vespers and Compline. They further heard conferences about the usus antiquior and learned how to serve at the altar according to that missal.
The following photos were sent in from the Pontifical Mass of the aforementioned Benedictine Abbot.
During the couree of the week, approximately 50 participants participated daily in Solemn masses and, wonderfully, sung Vespers and Compline. They further heard conferences about the usus antiquior and learned how to serve at the altar according to that missal.
The following photos were sent in from the Pontifical Mass of the aforementioned Benedictine Abbot.