Greek Catholic Monastery in Univ (Lviv Oblast)

The modern history of the Studite Monks begins at the start of the 20th
century. Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky established the order to renew Eastern
monasticism in the Church. The first renewed monastery of the Studite Order was
established in 1904 in Sknyliv, near Lviv. In 1906 Metropolitan Andrey, as the
archimandrite (abbot) of the Studites, set a Typicon (rule book) for the order.
Many monks were repressed during the First World War. At the beginning of the
Second World War there were 196 Studite monks in Galicia (western Ukraine), the
Lemkiv region (in present-day Poland) and the Hutsul region (near the Carpathian
Mountains). The monasteries were liquidated with the coming of the Communist
regime, most of the monks were sent to Siberia. A small group of Studites
managed to leave for the West and to found Holy Dormition Monastery in
Woodstock, Canada. After the Greek Catholic Church was outlawed, the Studites
continued to operate in the underground. In 1963 Patriarch Josyf Slipyj became
the order's patron. In 1973 Lubomyr Husar, now the head of the Church, became
archimandrite (abbot) of the Studites outside of Ukraine. Today there are 90
Studite monks in 8 monasteries in Ukraine, Canada and Italy. There are two
lavras (major monasteries).

Mission of the Studites: catechizing children and youth-- every year the
Studite retreat house in Yaremche (in the Carpathian Mountains) hosts 200
children from the Chernobyl zone; educational activities-- the religious
publishing house Svichado operates from the monastery in Lviv as does a workshop
of sacred art, Rozvii ("Unfolding"); other work-- cultivating medicinal plants,
bee hives. The monastic day is composed of 8 hours of prayer, 8 hours of work
and 8 hours of rest.