4. Avoiding the Annihilation of the Nations
Aug 8th, 2014
I must take up the same theme, but this time I must speak to the Church, to the Holy Father and to the bishops of the world.
I do not expect the world to discern the Evil One because the world has not been given that light, but I do expect the Church, the Holy Father and the bishops, to see clearly the satanic powers which lay behind the terrible destruction taking place before your eyes.
I have a question for all of you who guide my Church. Did not Jesus establish his Church as the Rock that will prevail over the gates of hell? In these wars, is the Church to step aside, to stand on the sidelines, and to think that the world powers can establish peace? The Church has been formed for this moment. Only the Church can avoid the annihilation of the nations. Only the Church can release the fires of peace that are stored in my Immaculate Heart.
You know what to do, yet you refuse to take the steps. What will I do with you? Do I allow the nations to be annihilated? Why do you set aside the pleas I made at Fatima?
Comment: Our Lady at Fatima spoke clearly of the possible annihilation of the nations.
3. Putin As Satan’s Instrument (Special locution)
Aug 7th, 2014
I must speak quickly and urgently so the world understands. Even more, my Church must understand because only the Church has the keys of the kingdom to release a flood of peace and to bathe the world in light.
I must speak of Putin who has placed himself on the world stage, using all of his resources to reposition Russia as a world power. The West does not understand his actions because reason does not guide him. Another force, a satanic power, possesses him, just as it possessed Hitler and Stalin.
Often he will make decisions that seem to harm his own people or work against his own interests. This does not matter to Satan, who ultimately desires that everyone be destroyed, including Putin. Satan has one goal and he will use many instruments. His goal is the annihilation of nations. See the world events as a road to this ultimate moment of annihilation. Then you will understand these events as steps along the road.
Comment: With all the wars taking place, Our Lady reveals their ultimate purpose.
2. The Good Samaritan
Aug 7th, 2014
I search for you, wounded soul, who are not yet dead but bleeding profusely. If I do not find you soon, your enemies will claim you forever and I will have lost another child. Yes, yet another. This need not happen but you must cry out and place my name on your lips, with words spoken from the heart. That will open the great door. Just a little opening is enough.
Such is my search. Where do I go? To the bars, to the houses of prostitution, to the places of greatest darkness, to homes torn asunder by evil. This is where I search. Do not say that I am far away. Do not think that you must find a church. I need hear only your cry for help. I will be your Good Samaritan bending over your bleeding soul, pouring out the medicine of grace.
Then I will take you to the Inn and place you with those who will care for you until you are spiritually strong.
Comment: Conversion might end up in church but it seldom begins there. Mary seeks her children everywhere.
1. Casting Light Upon Cultures of Darkness
Aug 6th, 2014
Through these locutions I want the whole world to see the sufferings of my Immaculate Heart. These sufferings result from the complete failure of the world to gain the true goal of human existence which is eternal life in heaven.
To see poor people without food, to see sick people without medicine and to see lonely people without spouse or friends is a deep sorrow. But my greatest sorrow is to see an immortal soul be lost forever in the pains of hell. The atoning death of Jesus, on the cross was of no avail. They spurned this gift. They chose the darkness. They gave their hearts to their own selfishness.
These are the decisions made every day in a world that rejects the path of faith. Because the darkness of the culture brings this about, I must cast new light. So, I begin anew. Read my words.
They will cast out this terrible darkness that has come upon the modern person, so given to only what reason can reveal. I will cast a great light of bold faith. Take my hand and we will walk. You will see as I see and believe as I believe. Then your hearts will easily choose the light.
Comment: Our Lady sees every soul after death. She sees where they will exist for all eternity. The modern cultural darkness is the greatest cause of eternal damnation. She will address that problem in this series of locutions.