Newchurch Archbishop Agostino Marchetto, Secretary of a Pontifical Council
Has Publicly Admitted that Vatican II Is "a Synthesis Between Tradition and Renewal"
The Cardinal Thus Confirms the Position of Traditional Catholics since 1965
In order words, Marchetto admitted that Vatican II changed modified Sacred Tradition by melding it with a foreign component, "renewal," which, as those who have observed the period know, was a code-word then and now for the infusion of the principles of papally-condemned Modernism, the creation of a Newchurch, different from the Catholic Church that preceded it, including a new liturgical service, new sacraments, new doctrine, and a new moral code.
This is what you get when you cut through all the Vatican-II-speak and bore down to the real context instead of some deceptive surface meaning. Newvatican bureaucrats use Vatican II-speak, an attempt to cover up the real meaning of what they are saying, or at least to obfuscate it. We Fathers, careful observers of the ways of Newchurch for the last forty years, are not deceived by such tactics. Instead, we cut through to the heart of the meaning for our readers.