6. Preparing for Mary’s Fire

Nov 18th, 2014
I must make these new gifts which are easily available and tell the whole world how they are received.
They are inner gifts, received into a heart that has been purified and is seeking my help. The first gift begins as a new stirring, like a lonely but attractive voice that says, “Come with me. Come in this new direction. Leave behind what is familiar and be drawn into a life that feeds your spirit.”
This voice will invite you to leave behind everything that soils your heart and to be generous in the things of God. The voice will point out much that must be changed. Be generous. Do not resist. All of this is the needed purifying action of the Holy Spirit.
The voice will lead you into a new style of life, with new priorities. The old will be set aside, even those attractions that were not sinful but still claimed your heart. The goal is to set you free so your spirit can respond and receive.
The voice will lead you into new waters, gentle and peaceful. You will find rest and a new kind of happiness, a contentment with what you have and a spirit of thanksgiving to God for all that he saved you from.
At this point, you are ready for the fire that comes from my heart and which I want to pour forth over the whole world. It is so easy. As your spirit seeks heavenly graces, ask specifically for my fire to be given and you will receive it. Ask time and again, “O Mary, please give me your fire”. My heart will break open and the fire will pour forth.
Comment: Our Lady outlines the easy steps of being purified and of receiving her fire.
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5. Entering Mary’s Heart

Nov 17th, 2014
The life that I will offer to these Catholics is so new that many will find it difficult to believe. They will ask, “How can this be”? Then they will see for themselves that I am pouring forth a special fire which offers helps that have never been given before.
All of these new graces are so needed because of the new problems that will suddenly arise on the earth, for which there will be no apparent solutions. My response will be taking place within the hearts of those who receive.
A new power will be released from my heart to their hearts. All will know that I have embraced them and drawn them into my heart where they are safe, even though the external turmoil increases.
I have spoken before of this invitation. My heart is like Noah’s ark, but this time, the numbers are not limited. All can enter. There is plenty of space for the whole world. I must begin to teach everyone how they can enter. No one must delay. The door will remain open until the last minute but the earlier you enter, the deeper will be the protection.
My heart has many doors, accommodated to everyone’s situation and way of life. All will be able to enter.
Comment: Before the events begin, we must enter Mary’s heart. She will tell us what to do.
4. Light for Devout Catholics
Nov 16th, 2014
When all of the events begin, devout Catholics are the ones who will be bathed in my light. I must speak about this light. When darkness comes and the usual lights go out, emergency lights come on to provide safety. They do not give the fullness of light but they are sufficient to protect and sustain life.
Such are my special lights which flow from my heart and which I want to give to all. However, devout Catholics who have held fast to their faith in the midst of all that has happened will be the first to receive. Then, the graces will go forth to others. None of my lights are limited, but devout Catholics are better prepared to receive than others.
I speak now so that as these lights go forth, devout Catholics do not miss their opportunity. You must not think, “I have enough light. I am not walking in darkness”. Certainly, you are not in darkness, but the darkness will come, and then you desperately need the light that I am now offering to you. How does this new light come? I will teach you.
Be attentive. Be sensitive to devotions, new and old, that would lead you to me. I will place new attractions in your hearts. Those who were always devoted to me will find a hunger and thirst for my devotions. Those who never experienced any particular attraction will realize that a new flame has been put in their heart.
Realize what I am doing. I am taking your faith, which still burns within you, and I am giving you fresh oil for your lamps. In this way, you will have the new light that will not go out in the darkness.
Comment: Out Lady will give light for all. Devout Catholics are just better prepared to receive.