sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2014

Socci: The Self- Demolition of the Church recommences in the persecution of the “Franciscans of the Immaculate”.Socci :Recomeça a autodemolição da Igreja na perseguição aos “Franciscanos da Imaculada”,.

Socci: Ratzinger is the true target of the New Inquisitors
The Self-Demolition of the Church bemoaned by Paul VI begins anew

The Self- Demolition of the Church recommences

Another episode of the Church’s self-demolition is the persecution of the “Franciscans of the Immaculate”, one of the most orthodox, the most vibrant (full of vocations), the most ascetic and missionary of religious families. But their zealous faithfulness to Benedict XVI (which I have already written about in these columns) starting with his Motu Proprio on the liturgy, has not been forgiven.

The reversal of roles is shocking. In fact we have obedient Catholics in the dock while in the role of inquisitor we have Brazilian Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, who in a long interview, had nostalgic words of praise for the disastrous Liberation Theology, not caring at all about the condemnations of it by Popes Benedict and John Paul II.

Braz de Aviz peacefully confessed that, at the time, he had been ready to leave the seminary for those social ideas. However, he has made a career for himself. Today he is Head of the Congregation for Religious and he is not even a religious.

The prelate, who proclaims that he is a great friend of the Community of Sant’Egidio, has a strange idea about dialogue. For him, it is important for everyone, except for Catholics most faithful to the Magisterium.

When he was Archbishop of Brasilia, he peacefully took part and was a speaker at a conference of the “Fórum Espiritual Mundial” with the former friar Leonardo Boff, leader of Liberation Theology, Nestor Masotti, President of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation, Ricardo Lindemann, President of the Theosophical Society in Brazil, and Hélio Pereira, Grand Master of the [local] Grand Lodge.

As soon as he arrived at the helm of the Congregation for Religious, he immediately began dialogue with the “lively” Congregations of religious sisters in the United States [the LCWR], who had given Pope Benedict a very hard time. Braz made a sort of criticism of the Holy See: “we have begun again to listen…With no preventative condemnations.”

On the other hand, regarding the Franciscans of the Immaculate, who have never given any problems - he never called them nor listened to them. They have been subjected to preventative condemnation - and a very heavy one at that.

Quite odd, is it not? Some days ago “Vatican Insider” headlined: “There are fewer and fewer friars and nuns in Italy.” Do you believe that Braz de Aviz is worried about this? Not at all. He is interested in punishing one of the few orders where vocations are in the increase.

In the first number of “Jesus” [the monthly of the Society of St. Paul and one of the most important Catholic periodicals in Italy] in 2014, a monument is built to Vito Mancuso [Professor, famous for his "progressive" views on bioethics], famed for denying “a dozen dogmas” (as “La Civiltà Cattolica” reported). But be assured nobody will make any objections to the Daughters of St. Paul about it.

Instead, the “Franciscans of the Immaculate” are being repressed for having defended the dogmas of the Church.

The self-demolition has recommenced in earnest.

[Source: “Libero”, January 26, 2014. Translated by Contributor Francesca Romana.]
Socci: Ratzinger é o alvo verdadeiro dos novos inquisidores. A autodemolição da Igreja lamentada por Paulo VI recomeça.
Os novos inquisidores contra Ratzinger. Recomeça a autodemolição da Igreja.
Houve grandes papas cujos pontificados foram praticamente solapados pelos erros dos eclesiásticos que lhes eram próximos. Esse risco também existe para o papa Francisco.
De fato, há episódios, decisões e “explosões bizarras” bastante desconcertantes por parte de alguns prelados. Penso no Cardeal Maradiaga e no Cardeal Braz de Aviz, que se sentem tão poderosos no Vaticano que usam o porrete tanto contra o Prefeito do antigo Santo Ofício, Müller, bem como contra os Franciscanos da Imaculada...ler